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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. I hope those two were able to get on a flight and made it back safely. being stuck in a foreign country is no picnic. Especially if it's no fault of your own.
  2. And the other side of the Selfie Damn Anastasia is beautiful. You don't really get to see just how gorgeous these ladies really are with the far away cams.
  3. That is fucking ridiculous! You have to pay more just so you can go home? They're essentially holding you hostage in a foreign land until you can pay the ransom! I would lawsuit the fuck out of them.
  4. Oh jeez, hopefully they'll get their shit together and you two will be on your way soon. Freaking airlines can go lick my ass. I wish it would return to the glory days of when flying was a privilege and it was a huge event to ride in an airplane. When you had 2 seats to an isle and could stretch out and lay down. The airline would do their best to help passengers get situated and to their destination as fast as possible.
  5. lol I'm not surprised after the way @Lexy&Petewere whipping her the other day
  6. That was my thought too, but even when he's at full attention he still does it. But you're right about one thing, 90% of the time he's at half mast.
  7. lol well get rested and charge back up. You'll need a vacation after your vacation.
  8. Yeah I've noticed that myself. Even when fucking her his hands are always on his dick. He rarely cups her tits or ass or even puts his hands on her waist. It's not 100% of the time but most times he'll have at least one hand on his dick. It just seems awkward.
  9. Ok that is definitely a fair point but what I meant was that there were a couple of times that he tried to pull out and cum on her chest or stomach and she's grabbed his legs and shoved his dick back in her mouth. It's just way more aggressive than she's been in the past when she would have let Paul just cum where he wanted is all I meant. But you're absolutely right with your statement and I get the feeling that lately Paul is starting to realize the monster he's created lol.
  10. Oh nice! I hope you two completely enjoyed your time in the states. Vacations are fun but its always nice to get back home and kick your feet up.
  11. I pray for the day to arrive that something like this is "Mundane" for my life.
  12. yeah earlier in the night he was super apprehensive about doing anything, including kissing his own girlfriend. Then he went into the bathroom and the rest of the gang went into the kitchen. Pete and Ana started playing around on the floor and the guy came charging out of the bathroom and just started fingerfucking Ana hardcore style. It was a complete 180 of how he was acting earlier. Then he started dancing with his GF, Lexy, and Ana. He stripped his girl down, dropped his pants, started fucking her and moved over to the couch. They all moved into the bedroom and he suddenly seemed to revert back to the way he was earlier and they bolted. It was super weird tbh. Maybe he had built up courage in the bathroom with a little pep talk or something that quickly faded once Lexy and Pete joined in the Bedroom. I'm not sure. I did like his GF though, she seemed really fun, was gorgeous, and extremely social with everyone. She didn't hang all over her BF or dominate the conversation like I've seen other guests do. She seemed like she was pretty OK with how the night was going. I hope she comes back in the future. Sad thing is that the guy was a really nice guy and seemed to be enjoying himself. I think maybe he just got into his own head and psyched himself out.
  13. From the little bit that I can understand (and it's not much at all. I'm mostly reading body language) it seems that Ana thinks she did something wrong and Lexy is trying to console her and say she didn't do anything. I wish I could understand the language because they're discussing it in detail atm.
  14. L&P Are masterminds when it comes to getting people to join in the fun lol. One of the major reasons they're my fave couple on VH.
  15. Pete whipping Ana's ass while she's on a leash and Lexy demo'ng how sex toys are used. This is going to be an interesting night.
  16. Goddamn I love Lexy's jiggly bits. Holy shit those things are independent tonight lol. She's jumping around and they're smacking her in the face.
  17. Does anyone know the relationship of this couple to Lexy, Ana and Pete? How do they know them? Any insights? I'm not 100% with all the couples on VH so I don't know if they're from a different apt.
  18. The two ladies lost some clothes and somehow Ana gained even more clothes lol.
  19. Lol yeah I suspected she might be on the edge of too much to drink. But it's ok, Ana is always charming to everyone and they always love her back. She's just a big bundle of playfulness. Like a large kitten.
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