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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. huh that was weird, Ana tried to kiss Pete but he kept turning his head away. Maybe Ana is getting too friendly lmao.
  2. lol I was just thinking that. She's still all debonair and prim. Meanwhile Anastasia is topless in her underwear and Pete is in T-shirt and shorts.
  3. lol did anyone else catch Lexy "Goose stepping" around the house while naked?
  4. yeah that's always been my favorite thing to watch out for with Leora. Watching her taste herself is probably the most erotic thing I've ever seen a woman do. Not just for Leora, but in general. It's interesting watching how she's evolved. Whether or not its her being self aware of what we want to see, or if it's just the evolution of her coming to terms with her own sexuality is up to the individual to decide. But I do know that up until she's moved into this apt she was always reserved. Her bate sessions or lovemaking sessions were grand indeed be were quite "Vanilla" in their execution. But once she moved into this new apt, she started to really bloom. The first time I noticed this is one day I caught her bating while in the guest room. She shimmied herself into position so she could see herself masturbate in the big mirrors. Once she started watching herself she seemed to kick into overdrive and it would always put her over the edge. This evolved into using objects to bate with, then watching videos while bating, then she started fingering her asshole a little, then one day she went deep, then finally actually buying herself a small toy, then she started to taste herself, then she broke down and bought herself the bigboy and started grinding on pillows, and finally she started using the big toy on her tight ass while fingering herself. The evolution wasn't just for her either, she's forced Paul to evolve with her by making him lick her asshole and eating her out. There was one session he tried to pull away and she grabbed his head and slammed it back into her crotch forcing him to finish until she got his head into a leglock and started moaning. He wasn't happy with that one. But lately she's been forcing him to cum into her mouth and swallowing, which he also doesn't seem to be a fan of but she seems to not give a fuck what he thinks anymore lol. She keeps trying to get him to fuck her ass and he's ventured it a couple of times but tends move back to fucking her normally. Another thing that happened this year is that she's started to get off to music videos. I've seen her watching Marilyn Manson and Axel Rose while bating. She seems to go for the tattooed "Bad Boys" of music and prefers live performances than actual MTV style music videos. Like I said it's interesting watching someone have a sexual revolution like this while you're a fly on the wall. The most recent step has been her new Dildo that she's tried out a couple of times. For my money I'd say that her next step that she seems to be really interested in is DP. We'll see how this turns out.
  5. Oh definitely, Irma is well skilled in the art of Tittery. Just wait until this apt starts ramping back up again. She will def start using them for the betterment of mankind.
  6. The crying wasn't a big production, just a quick jaunt to her room, kept her head down and had a couple of sniffles. One of the other girls, who unfortunately I forget whom it was, comes in and says something to her, Irma looked up all red-eyed and the girl sits down puts her arm around her and Irma had a big sigh. You can see her visibly gather herself, wipes her eyes, hug the girl and they both go downstairs and had a drink. It was a quick but sweet moment. Not saying she was in love or anything but she definitely was feeling down that her friend had left.
  7. Yeah Irma and Jessica was something special for sure. I know Irma had been trying to get with a couple of girls in the apt. Pre-Jessica but it always usually ended at a couple of gropes and a kiss or two. Usually the night would end with Irma scurrying up to her room and playing with her vibrator until she passed out. Jessica was the first that I saw in the apt that Irma was able to get into some heavy petting and then of course the notorious "Massage" night where Jessica basically grabbed Irma's head and shoved it between her legs. After that night it was full on no holds barred until the apt had a changing of the guard. Good times had by all. It sounds kind of hokey in this environment where the girls are obviously living together for views and such, but it really did feel like Jessica and Irma started to have some deep feelings for each other near the end. I think Irma even quietly cried a little bit in her room when Jessica left. I seem to recall one of the other girls coming to console her for a little bit.
  8. Daaaaayum Marla!!! Lol I need to go on vacation with you guys!
  9. Awwwww lookit you two! Absolutely Adorable!!!!!
  10. Well now, this is promising. I know that Irma gets really attached to one girl in the house and will tend to favor her. Hopefully this one will last.
  11. I remember once the girl who previously lived in Desiree's apt (Forget her name) once had an epic struggle with a bottle of wine. She was trying to open it for like 45 minutes and said loudly in english "FUCK IT!" and slammed the bottle down on the counter. She stomped off to the bedroom and came back out dressed. She snatched the bottle off the counter and walked out her front door. A few minutes passed and she came back in with the open bottle and a big smile on her face. She stripped down, poured herself a glass and started watching TV.
  12. 2 corkscrews and a broken cork later, Irma desperately searches in vain for a set of directions to reach the sweet sweet booze inside.
  13. LMAO The ladies need bottle opening lessons. They fucked that cork all kinds of up.
  14. Whoooooa, Anastasia schooling Lexy on belly dancing. Fuckin NICE!
  15. You're not kidding! They've been in and out of that hot tub like 4 times already! Anastasia and Lexy seem to be extremely horny tonight they can barely keep their hands off of each other. Poor Pete is going to be drained dry before the night is over. I hope he's drinking plenty of fluids and eating a high protein snack every now and then. He might want to switch from booze over to something pre-sport like Gatorade.
  16. Bon voyage and have an amazing trip you two! I would love to see some pics of your adventures in NY!!!!
  17. I know this is a controversial statement but frankly it needs to be said. I LIKE WATCHING LEXY AND ANASTASIA MAKE OUT! There I said it, I don't care who knows!
  18. It took a really long time before the perfect combo of girls arrived in the house to get it that way. It used to be just as you said most of the tennants would hide upstairs in their rooms, not socialize with the other girls, leave for really long times and only come back to the apt to sleep. But then girls like Irma, Jessica, Stella, the Twins, and so on started showing up and the party would remain in the house. So I say patience. Irma lost a great love in Jessica and she needs to get back on her feet. Maybe she can convince Dana to FINALLY drop her shield and relax but who knows. What needs to happen is that Lexy and Anastasia from VH need to come over and get these girls to loosen up lmao. But for now the girls just need to settle in and get their bearings on how the whole cam thing works. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD RLC LET US HAVE THE OTHER LIVING ROOM CAM BACK! *EDIT* It's also as @blue is the coloursays, booze would help a lot.
  19. I've not been following this apt at all, but just the little I've seen tells me that this may not be the best life for this poor girl. She's been chugging hard liquor for a few days now. Not just taking a shot or having a cocktail, but literally chugging bottles of whiskey and vodka. Just now she was sitting at the bar staring at her laptop screen that had the blueprint of her apt on it. Just sitting there for like 10 min staring at it. Then she put her head in her hands and started "Sighcrying" after a few seconds of that she composed herself closed the image on the laptop and started cleaning. Which in her state isn't really cleaning but just shuffling things around. She occasionally takes a peek at the laptop and smiles, but for the most part she's just walking in circles. Like she's looking for busy work to fill up time.
  20. That's actually a really nice montage. Especially the surprise walk-on guest at 7:40. I won't spoil it for everyone but there's a dance routine and everything. Now.....about the music.......we need to have a talk...... I'm kidding! It wasn't bad and I've heard far far far FAR worse music put over fan made montages.
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