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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. This guy sitting on the couch is fucking pissing everyone off. Jesus fucking christ dude, learn to read the room. This happened last time he was here too, Lexy, Pete and the other guest would start going pretty good and he'd walk in and plop his ass down on the couch and start talking to them. Trying to make jokes and commenting on what is happening on TV.
  2. lol not sure about that. Lexy loves her some sushi and last time she ate all of it. Ana and Ruby were making fun of her and feeling her belly.
  3. I'm not surprised, both of the girls kept trying to get some fun started tonight but nothing came of it. I bet they're ready to pop.
  4. Aaaaand the two guys immediately start watching MMA. Lets get as cliche as possible. lol I love how the two girls are on the side rubbing each others thighs and cuddling while the guys are oblivious.
  5. Something about the littler of the two guys rubs me the wrong way. The big beefy dude seems to be decent but that little guy just has the feeling of being amped up all the time. Like he could explode at any minute or something. He reminds me of a tiny Chihuahua. Lol the two guys remind me of this.
  6. lol I'm with @Lexy&Pete on this one. Sometimes you just need a night alone to relax and have a beer. Take advantage of the night Pete, chill out and kick your feet up.
  7. They're drinking Kentucky whiskey (Jim Beam) I'm actually very surprised by this.
  8. Wow, Irma is like the new Liaison of RLC! Here's hoping my fantasy Leora/Irma crossover happens!! I'm of course joking, but a man can dream
  9. Oh hell yeah Old School baby! I thought we were getting fancy back in the day when we started using foam to build our dungeon walls. Turns out we were amateurs compared to what some people do.
  10. lol yeah I can imagine that's going to cost a pretty penny to build it to those specs. But I really want to use something like this for a campaign or two. This is the old 2012 model the newer ones are just a projector that encompasses the entire table. I've even seen people use it to project onto their living room floor making a massive 300 inch interactive screen. Imagine building a labyrinth that size to walk your campaign through!! But those projectors cost like $10,000 U.S. still.
  11. @CreriganYou guys need this in your life. It can easily be programmed for any Tabletop gaming session and it's 4k resolution. Would make the DM's job a helleva lot easier
  12. That sir is Margot Robbie! Specifically Margot Robbie when she was in "Wolf of Wallstreet" which is appropriate because the past few times I've seen Pete on his PC he was checking the Stock Market.
  13. Looks like she's definitely living up to Lay's Potato chips slogan "Bet you can't eat just one!"
  14. OH damn! Marla is making a me a HUGE fan of hers.
  15. lol it's not true at all. I was making fun of someone asking for personal information when it's the #1 taboo on this site.
  16. Yes, she has a website where she gives her personal phone number and does personal skype shows with anyone who asks.
  17. Just from what I recall reading, I don't think Leora is near any other tenants on RLC (I.E. In the same building or housing block) so it may be a major utility outage that isn't effecting anyone else. For example one time a work crew was working on my building to fix some drywall and somehow managed to accidentally saw through the fiber optic cables that supplied the internet for the 4th floor and upwards. Luckily I lived on the 2nd floor, but there were 10 floors above me that were super pissed off. May be something silly as that.
  18. I used to travel internationally a lot at my old job and I completely agree with everything you just said. Trying to catch a quick nap while 200 people mill around you and children scream is not the best way to get rested up for a business presentation lol. I'm glad you guys are home, I get to see the lovely Marla again, you guys get to relax and try to decompress from the trip, and everything gets back to a normal pace.
  19. Yeah it's fucking insane. Hollywood and US television has romanticized NY so much since the 70's that it's become the number one christmas tourist spot. That's not even mentioning the city during New Years. Imagine a city where 8 million people live then pack in another 2 million for about a week.
  20. Ah got it! I didn't see that they had moved their cam to the top of the list. I just glanced at the cam at the bottom that still said "offline" because that's where they were this morning. Thank goodness they're back I was getting worried they'd have to spend christmas in NY lol.
  21. lol out of context and not knowing that @nicsjomwas making a comment about the camera angle, its one of the most hilariously accurately perfect descriptions of a screenshot. Followed by an ominous "And we shall see more..."
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