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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Is this the first time Leora has licked her dildo clean while she bated? I know she's gotten really into tasting herself and sucking on her fingers after plunging them as deep into her pussy as they'll go. But I've never seen her suck/lick her dildo clean like that before. If so its just one more step in her sexual revelation she's experiencing. This video absolutely proves that she's starting to really explore herself. Not only was she licking her fingers after fingering herself, she was actively trying to taste her sweet pussy juice. Most of the time it could be that she just wanted to get her fingers wet, but not this time, she was soaking wet and loving every drop.
  2. lol one of the girls put the WOODEN cutting board into the dishwasher. It's swollen and split in half. Irma just broke it the rest of the way and now they have 2 smaller cutting boards lmao. I won't pass judgement, the first time I moved out on my own my mother bought me a cutting board as a housewarming gift and I did the same thing. But I was 18 years old at the time. Ah well, live and learn.
  3. Someone asked this a while ago so you'd have to do some pretty deep digging in the forums, but Lexy said that She herself speaks a handful of languages and pete speaks about 3. Unfortunately Russian is not one of the languages Pete speaks. So from time to time when they're having a party you'll hear Lexy translating for Pete so he's included in a joke or a story. I suspect that Pete speaks a little bit of russian, enough to have a small talk conversation, but not enough to really understand what's going on most of the time. I feel his pain, I live in Miami and don't speak a single word of Spanish. Especially with all the different dialects around here. Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Jamaican and about 4 other regions all have their individual slang, accents and quirks. I can't imagine what it's like living an area as diverse as where they are.
  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kenny and Pablo = I'll let you figure out who is who.
  5. lol the name of the website is "Nofile.io" click the button on the right hand side in the middle of the screen.
  6. Lets look at the clues, Ana was on the couch with Lexy and Pete watching with them. She was stroking Pete's cock and rubbing herself. Lexy takes over rubbing Pete's cock and Ana starts playing with her pussy. Suddenly Ana looks at her fingers and jumps up hurrying to the bathroom. She closes the door and when she comes back out she's wearing her panties. She sits back on the couch and continues to watch. Pete reaches over and rubs Ana's pussy. She smiles, grabs his hand and kisses it but pushes his hand away. Shortly after she goes to the bedroom.
  7. Looks like they're going to go through all of their archives tonight and give critique Also looks like Anastasia is giving in and playing with herself a bit
  8. lol Lexy laughing that Ana is using Pete's head to steady herself as she rides him in the video.
  9. Whoa it's getting super Meta. They're watching themselves in Anna's old apt. doing exactly what they're doing right now
  10. lol she should be a Sommelier for a 5 star restaurant. Something tells me she would be in high demand. I completely agree. I live in southern Florida and we get "Puerto Rican" Sangria down here. It's basically like Sangria, but with Everclear added. with 95% pure Alcohol at 190 proof it'll make you have bad decisions extremely quick
  11. @oneiropoloswhy are you posting pages of crap in this topic? Go post in the appropriate forum. This topic is for Lexy, Pete and Anastasia. Here, go post in this area https://camcaps.net/forums/forum/52-rants-flame-wars/ to get everything off your chest. It'll be much better received and people will be more willing to discuss it with you.
  12. Oh nice, I've been wondering what Marla has been working on all this time. I'll def send the link off to a few friends who I think would be interested.
  13. Anyone catch that movie the girls just made? Good production value and nice editing lol.
  14. Yeah sorry I never learned the names of tenants I don't typically watch. The last couple of months have been like friggin Beijing central rail station on VH with so many people coming and going that I'm not sure who's who anymore.
  15. lol I meant whatever dudes name is in the bedroom. I'm sure they don't have a problem with anyone there or they wouldn't have invited them. Its just that the last 4 times Lexy and Pete have started up he comes out of the bedroom and starts talking to them and trying to engage a conversation and everyone stops what their doing. It was the same thing the last time he was there too. It looked like Pete finally said "Fuck it" and just powered through the last time he came out. So what did the guy do? He moved Lexy over as she was sucking dudes dick and getting fingered by Pete so he could sit on the couch. It's just a big party foul is all I'm sayin.
  16. Yeah, he keeps coming in right as everyone is ready to really get into it and starts bothering them. I mean join in if you want or leave them be. Don't try and discuss the goddamn MMA fight with them or start asking if everyone wants drinks or something. *edit* I meant the dude who keeps coming out of the bedroom
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