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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Goddammit now I gotta go watch that again or that song is going to be stuck in my head all night.
  2. Now if RLC can convince Jessica to come back. Then all will be good with the world. Jessica/Irma were one of the best combos in RLC in my opinion. I always thought those two should have had their own permanent apt.
  3. God I missed Irma! Now THAT girl knew how to get down and dirty. Love that woman. But COME ON RLC!!!! Give us the the other living room cam back! I'm not asking for their bedrooms or anything just the old living room cam.
  4. yes! Irma has always been one of my favorite girls!!! right behind Leora! Welcome back lovely!
  5. Well yeah that's a factor for sure lol. You've def got a pretty smokin booty and depending on what you're wearing to the events it'll be hard pressed for a semi-drunk dude to keep himself in check. Also keep in mind that a lot of guys mistake kindness for flirtyness with thoughts like "Hey she was nice to me, I've totally got a shot!"
  6. Ha ha reminds me when I was just a wee lad. I would pretend to go "Deep Sea Diving" in my bathtub. I'd hunt for sunken treasure chests and pirate ships. AKA. G.I.Joe toys and Ninja Turtle figures.
  7. Oh right on! NY can be pretty amazing. You're luckily going near the end of the summer season so hopefully it won't be too hot. But I'm glad you two are FINALLY getting your honeymoon! NY is known as the city that never sleeps and they aren't kidding. If it's 3am and you want a big bowl of Chinese food but also want a piping hot bagel and to hang out in a coffee shop you can get it. Anything you want at any time. I love NY and everything associated with it. It can be rough, but if you respect the city it'll respect you back.
  8. Only real answer I can give is "Booze" To be fair drunk dudes will do that with each other too. Granted in a much much more joking attitude but we still do it. I'll even admit guilt to that one. I've grabbed my best friends ass and he mine while trashed. Literally nothing sexual about it but just trying to incite a laugh from everyone, which it always did.......which is why we did it. *Edit* To be clear I'm not saying it's right, just saying that among close friends at least where I grew up it was perfectly normal to mess around like that. There wasn't any homophobic acts or intentions. It was just funny. I've never done it to a woman before and I'd like to think I never would and you can say won't all day long, but all it takes is having just the right amount of cocktail in you to think it's a good idea.
  9. Dude in the white shirt has been trying to mac on the dude in the blue shirt all night. He keeps grabbing his inner thigh and laying his head on his chest. I think the girls are getting frustrated lmao. He's even been shoving the dildo in his face and "joking" around with it.
  10. Oh man, Anastasia's guests are "Movie Talkers" and it's driving me crazy. Ana and her cuddle buddy are trying to watch the movie but the other couple are having a conversation and attempting to talk to them while playing on their phones. They're Even speaking up over the action parts so they can be heard and not even facing the screen. I friggin hate when people do that.
  11. lol same here, @Lexy&Peteare an absolute bundle of joy to watch. Their playfulness compliment each other perfectly. I personally know couples that would have raged if their bf/gf tried something like that in the house. "YOU'RE GETTING EVERYTHING WET! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? JESUS YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" and then a 8 hour fight would have ensued. But these two know how to have fun and roll with the punches.
  12. Not sure what's going on with that to be honest. The past few weeks there's been a huge upswing in bitching towards members and a wave of vitriol towards anyone that has a suggestion or opinion. This is a good example. I didn't have a single popup or ad on my screen when I visited the site but a few ignorant people who don't know how to use adblocker or uBlock think it's the end of the goddamn world.
  13. Yeah I would kill for a Lexy vs. Anastasia right about now. I love how they compliment each other. Lexy has an amazing rack but Ana has an ass that won't quit.
  14. Damn I love @Lexy&PeteThey always have a great time. I don't think I've seen an apartment on here laugh and smile as much as these three. Seeing Lexy with Anastasia is always a treat and I'd love one day for the both of them to do a full on show for Pete.
  15. She's cute but is dressed like she came from the 1990's lol. I haven't seen anyone wear overalls with the straps hanging loose like that since 90's MTV. Nothing wrong with that, just been quite some time since I've seen that style.
  16. Blonde is not having a good time at all. Everyone else is laughing and telling stories and she keeps shaking her head and frowning while staring at her phone. You can tell she really doesn't want to be there. *EDIT* Ah there she goes. She's finally laughing and paying attention to everyone. Maybe she's coming out of her shell.
  17. lol that's true love right there. Having a wank over pictures of the girl you're with lmao. Reminds me of an interview once with director Kevin Smith who did Mallrats and Clerks. He was saying that he woke up and tried to have sex with his wife but she told him to leave her alone. So he went into the bathroom to wank and saw a Playboy magazine that had pictures of his wife modeling in it. So he was wanking over the pics of her when she walked in on him. She got mad and said "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE JACKING OFF TO A PLAYBOY!" he said "No no no! They're pictures of you!! look!" He said she was very confused and angry because she didn't know how she was supposed to react.
  18. Every single one of these is bogus. Most links don't even lead to anything but "click-through" sights and links that are broken. @StnCld316you think you can take a look at these and see whats up? I see that Huge123 has a ton of posts so I don't think he's intentionally being malicious. But maybe account got hijacked?
  19. I love how comfortable those three are together. Just three friends relaxing.
  20. How the christ am I not being compassionate for Lexy? She's obviously in pain and in complete misery. Just because I didn't mention her in those sentences doesn't mean I'm heartless towards her. Someone was asking why PETE was giving the cold shoulder to Lexy and I was just explaining what I thought was going on. Even stating that Pete is doing everything right by staying out of her way and doting on her hand and foot. He's not giving her the cold shoulder, he's sitting back out of the way watching the love of his life groan in agony and writhe in pain because there is literally nothing else he can do. Which is why I said "Speaking from experience" and "For Pete's sake" because he's helpless towards her pain and is doing the only thing he can do.
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