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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Don't think Lola and Otto can hold the apartment on their own.
  2. Well, she is not exactly picky is she?
  3. Doesn't say much about his attitude towards her though does it!
  4. Barbie always looks so grateful when Ken deigns to fuck her!
  5. Nah, I meant the previous tenant, the orange one. Still can't remember his name though, he must have been pretty insignificant!
  6. Thats the type of threesome Ken would like, where he didn't have to do anything
  7. It's expected they will resume bringing girls into the apartment as they used to but I wonder if Beverley is now more accepting of a couple and a full 4some given her recent history with Alan?
  8. Sounds like some guy who has just left the White House, can't remember his name now!
  9. Are you trying to say that RLC are truthful? Really??? With their track record? My comment was just whimsical musing although I could claim to have "inside information" like so many people on here do, while actually knowing (and not wanting to know) nothing about any tenants private life on this porn site!
  10. Wonder if they will have a more "open" relationship now Beverley has tried another dick?
  11. What proof is there that she is in Prague? That apartment could be anywhere! Maybe it is the apartment above or below her old place and when she goes missing she is actually visiting with Paul in her old place
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