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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Hopefully she does a lot more than just a bate show or boring sex!
  2. Think I'll ignore the place for a week to give it the chance to settle down and then look at it again.
  3. Who knows anything in this place, I find it difficult to keep up who is who and what is going on!
  4. The way it is going here we might find a different Kira there tomorrow!
  5. It would have to be Lisa doing all the work!
  6. Obviously a lot more that first thought or it could be a thank you for housing Pavel and Alice along with the financial hit they would have taken during that period?
  7. Well, Dean might be looking for somewhere new to stay!
  8. Well we can say this is the only true lesbian apartment on VH!
  9. Isn't that a requirement to be on VH now?
  10. Must be a reason why she never leaves the apartment!
  11. Very good point! Only VH knows what's behind it unless of course it was the twitter guy who did the label
  12. He may have to name the men who visit as well, bit strange for an apartment labelled "Lesbian"?
  13. I think I will wait a few days to try to figure out exactly who the tenants are here!
  14. Any other apartment is better than the two you mentioned
  15. Really Jab? Well I must admit you know more than me so I will be guided by you
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