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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Violet and Jeff play fighting in the bedroom, my monies on Violet!
  2. Could always move in with Em and Sid Keep them company?
  3. They have had sex so that puts them streets ahead of Kojac
  4. Does anybody still look at VH twitter or even worse believe them?
  5. Why? She's getting paid for sex, at least this way its all upfront.
  6. Whether she gets paid by the guy or by VH for views does it make a difference?
  7. She has to keep stopping to suck him hard again so she can carry on screwing him
  8. God loves a tryer, Ana is still working on him!
  9. Guy came in and got her out off bed and lead her back to the couch but they woke Nyu up!
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