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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Sure, but that is RLC and if people want to pay for that crap that is their choice!
  2. Until the next party and Dean screwing another girl and the story starts all over again!
  3. I think she would find it difficult to find his level of performance and compatibility anywhere else.
  4. Nothing to apologize for, I was simply saying Lola is the same as every other tenant here and I totally agree that so far she has been entertainment +
  5. Sparkles does a great job, his caps are always interesting as are yours Amy3.
  6. I'm the same as you in that I use CC to find out whats going on where as there are too many apts now to keep track of!
  7. Simply saying that some people here are calling Lola a sex worker but if that is the case then anybody earning money from having sex on here is also a sex worker! Not running any tenants down it is just my opinion it is better to be honest.
  8. Lisa and Chloe were playing around a bit in front of James the other day and seemed to be encouraging him to join in but he wasn't interested!
  9. Would be nice if M&H organised a big party rather than just another couple.
  10. Stephan woke her up to take part in the 3some but she was never really interested and not too happy at being disturbed! She just wanted to go back to sleep!
  11. Especially as she obviously enjoyed the dick !
  12. If you have sex on camera to earn money from views does that make you a sex worker? If so aren't they all in this category?
  13. Well, as they say "Money makes the world go round" so if you aren't contributing to their profits why should they listen? Take heed of what Amy3 says!
  14. Well I don't think it helped Otto! He had problems staying hard!
  15. I knew I recognised her but could not think of her name. Don't know how you keep track Jabbath
  16. Yeah, seemed to be Stephan's idea, started on couch but Stella not really interested, then moved to BR but faded out.
  17. Ever noticed quite often small size girls look younger than they are?
  18. Thanks Jabbath, I have never come across that, a really good safety feature!
  19. A timer on the oven, sure, on the burners though I have never heard of!
  20. Couldn't agree more, honest fun is much better!
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