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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Don't know about that, she must be pretty thick headed to stay with Dean!
  2. Are they sex addicts or are they just performing though? We will never know (or care)
  3. Just means he is starting with a big handicap poor man !
  4. It will take a lot more than lying around topless to save this place!
  5. Could always change the name from Voyeur House to Porn House !
  6. Totally agree about the apartment layout. Who picks these places? I'm sure they would not like to live in them!
  7. Getaway money or to pay for a hitman maybe?
  8. Natty has now had time to take in everything that happened last night so who knows how she will react
  9. You couldn't get a bigger loser than Kojak!
  10. Catlyn turned up again on Camarads !
  11. Good camera placement and good lighting would be a big improvement as well.
  12. The only excitement Sid seems to feel is when he walks into a room and sees his computer!
  13. Afraid so but they seemed fine last night, no sign of packing or anything!
  14. Funnily enough they had started to grow on me over the last couple of weeks but I do take your point.
  15. Thanks, just seen it. That was sudden!
  16. Whats happened to Lily and Noah? They seem to have disappeared off the apartment list! Just seen the twitter feed, they have left! That was sudden.
  17. Whats happened to this apartment, its disappeared off the list?
  18. Yes, had high hopes for Patty.
  19. They are happy with each other, they don't need anybody else!
  20. Never known it to be staged in that way, calculated only in the sense that couples has already agreed whats permissible and allowed.
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