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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Totally agree, voyeurs should not be seen or spoken to.
  2. You can avoid that by being a good little viewer and never saying or showing anything
  3. RLC still has the best cameras and lighting, VH really has a way to go to catch up in that regard (even if RLC don't really have must to show, what they do show is a much higher quality imagewise)
  4. When you look at what happened at Pete and Lexy's recently everybody was glued to it and it wasn't because of the sex so much as the "will she won't she" situation with Bluey. Such a pleasant change from the normal routine in apartments recently when you knew exactly what was going to happen, it was just a matter of waiting a couple of hours!
  5. Easy solution to the problems in this place, all guests must be male, no females for Candy to become jealous about, happiness restored!
  6. Of course, it is crucial to be able to see a master at work in greater detail !
  7. Sid of course would be in the bathroom crying
  8. Do some of the cameras seem to be of a better quality or is it just wishful thinking?
  9. Em taking on Dean and Drew with Bree and Candy to finish her off? Well, she would certainly know what she has been missing then!
  10. Could move Candy in with Bree and Drew and Dean with Em and Sid !
  11. Grisha and Maria failed how many times? Why should it be any different this time?
  12. There is just something lacking in this apartment!
  13. How about if they continue to share the property but live separate lives? Just think of the possibilities for conflicting parties, dramas and so on!
  14. Sorry, Deans' behaviour puts him on the lowest level!
  15. As I said, only what we see or hear, not imagine /wish/ dream or hope for.
  16. Now the hunt is on to find their new spot!
  17. We should only talk about what we see or what we hear, not make things up, but some speculation is what this forum thrives on. It is just a matter of balance, the odd comment is ok and can be fun but constantly saying things we do not know are true or even happened is not acceptable and not in the spirit of this forum. JMO
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