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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. You are quite right, everybody has the right to dislike an apartment or individual, just make your post and move on, don't keep repeating the same comments again and again. Thank you for speaking up Arkay and saying what a lot of us think. ✌️
  2. And if they didn't report on people breaking lock down they wouldn't be doing their job!
  3. Could be Amy saw who else liked it, who knows.
  4. Lousy cameras and lighting all over the place, not worth bothering with!
  5. Unfortunately some people do take it personally when they are attacked for a view they hold or decide they have had enough of relentless negativity when they are only on here to have fun and maybe get some titallation. People make their own choices.
  6. Jabs certainly isn't the only private club on CC but the idea of a private club is to interact with like minded people on a particular topic/subject or to avoid certain things, like trolls, troublemakers, shit stirrers, bullying.......etc.
  7. The main forum became very toxic with all the negative comments so it has become very difficult to have the type of interesting and humorous discussions and disentions we used to have and some members just decided they had had enough of the bullshit! Clubs are not a new thing on CC, I know some clubs that have been on CC since before I joined and there are a number of them with some people only posting in their club and nowhere else.
  8. Hi Dave, Jabs club isn't the only private club on CC, some of them I am a member of and some I am not. I know some people make a big deal over Jabs club and say it is ruining CC but I find it strange that there does not seem to be a problem with any other clubs! Wonder why that is?
  9. Only if it is a lot better than this place!
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