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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Haven't we got enough crappy places?
  2. If it is the same as this place I'll be ignoring that one too!
  3. Personally I think it is the posters who often create/try to create a lot of the drama on here to either fulfil their own fantasies/imagination or push their own agenda!
  4. I don't think they have even been fined for any violence, never mind taken offline for even a day, so why say that?
  5. And that Governments worldwide make sure they fund their medical services adequately and have a decent supply of PPE!
  6. The guy from SAGE who had to resign after getting visited by a woman who had self-isolated for 3 weeks and the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland who also had to resign after driving less than half the distance that Cummings did know what happens if you do not have the PM shielding you!
  7. Well, if the media didn't make a fuss about it, it would just be ignored because BoJo is scared of losing him!
  8. Didn't I read somewhere that Trump has one under one of his golf courses? Sounds like a sensible idea!
  9. They are all in the wrong, but the people crowding beaches and parks are just idiots, not a supercilious elitist who thinks the rules and guidance he helped to formulate don't apply to himself!
  10. Hey Just, this is coming up Access to i.imgur.com was denied You don't have authorisation to view this page.
  11. What makes it worse is that he was one of the architects for the lockdown campaign and is credited with the slogan "Stay at home, Protect the NHS, Save lives"! Hypocrisy at its best!
  12. Well I saw two as well then one disappeared, no idea what happened!
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