Just to show you how Fucking Dumb Trump really is. He wants to Posthumously Pardon Mohammed Ali. Muhammad Ali doesn't have no Criminal Record so what's the Pardon for General Bone Spurs.
Muhammad Ali was convicted in 1967 for refusing to report for induction into the United States Military during the Vietnam War. His local Draft Board rejected his application for conscientious objector classification which is hilarious considering that President Bone Spurs deferred five times from the same war despite being a picture of perfect health before the war. A Pardon for Muhammad Ali is unnecessary. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Muhammad Ali in a unanimous decision in 1971. Muhammad Ali has No Criminal Record.
Just think someone nominated this Presidential Jack Ass for a Nobel Peace Prize. They could just give him a Chocolate Coin with a Gold Wrapping and tell him it is a Nobel, he won’t know the difference.