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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. i see that vhtv has added a little pop up to note a new subscriber. anyone else think those are bs? i saw one the other day and the location was missing. guess they forgot to enter one before they posted it. 😁
  2. must be from earlier. he escaped.
  3. i saw this the other say and thought Wow! ok, pretty much anything goes now on vhtv. i'm very surprised they aren't more competitive really.
  4. hi foamy! just saying hi. no hard feelings. hope you don't hate me too much. 🍸
  5. they look so young, I almost have issues watching them. *i said almost. 🤗
  6. love and lust, what can we do? luckily we are made so that we can never be truly satisfied. the spice of life.
  7. very boring actually. i always try to imagine the conversation they have trying to convince their friends or someone at a club to join a sex site. must be very ackward. lol
  8. all i can say is that is a lucky guy. she's gorgeous! 😍 *needs to work on the makeup though. needs much better skills. bet she was a tomboy as a kid.
  9. maybe he is just a good liar? 🤭
  10. i like the transgirls on vhtv, but i don't really care for the guys or the girls who are around them. i also don't see a lot of effort on their part to be women. i guess that's hard when you have to basically be naked all the time to attract viewers. my have to join vhtv to get a closer look at what they do.
  11. she may run back, but will jules be there to catch her is the question. my guess is that he will and then she'll regret it and down the spriral they go again. relationships are a wonderful thing.
  12. did she stop talking into the cams? was wondering if she got a talking to for that. whatever, might as well let em do anything at this point.
  13. vhtv needs like 5 more managers. there is way too much recycling on their site. it would be nice to see new tenants, who no one knows and no one can find anything about. i know that is sadly impossible, but it would be nice and refreshing.
  14. haha! this is so fucking funny on so many levels. 🤣
  15. The bruised angels. Miss Demenanor on VH used to love it when her bf gave her a black eye. Do what you love and need to do to survive I guess.
  16. It's pretty clear that vhtv is plowing in its own direction at the pace their managers will push them. That's a good thing and bad thing. Good in that they don't seem to be listening to us much anymore and bad in that it is much more likely that shenanigans are going on in the backroom. Oh well, nothing in life is a gaurantee.
  17. We're doing great. Busy, busy, busy! Thanks for asking. Hope all is well with you and yours. ♥️
  18. How's everybody doing? Missed me didn't you! 💋
  19. This is the end result of the kind of moderation you and your clan demand, and it seems that even this is not enough. Interesting how you and your clan seem to want a degree of civility and respect shown to some tenants and some managers, but you and your clan don't seem to be capable of extending that same regard to other tenants and managers. You know, the weirdo, web-camming, not your friend, ones made of ----. This site ranks: #94,561 in global internet engagement
  20. so says the man who rides upon the highest of horses. well, actually the next to the highest of horses, but who's counting. stop living in service of others and stop thinking you're better then everyone else. in other words, get your own life. you devote to much of yourself into this fantasy world for the sake of others. you are just being used by them all.
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