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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. He has also ordered the US Navy to torpedo any enemy aircraft that violate US airspace😀
  2. When I was just a young apprentice joiner(no toilets on building sites in these days) I always wondered how my mum new that days headline news before doing my washing.😀😀
  3. In days gone by in the event of a toilet paper shortage the rich and well off used the Financial Times!!😀 Me?Strictly Tabloid!!😀
  4. So true Stone,I caught pneumonia in Florida 11 years ago and while in hospital visitors had to "gown"up as we are seeing today,but my point is I have never smoked since. So yeh your right.
  5. As we all know the media is state controlled so they could tell us anything they want but sure as hell if he pops it the whole world will be expected to mourn .He has achieved god like status(in North Korea) through terror and intimidation and as far as I'm concerned if he dies it won't bother me.The unfortunate thing is that there will be a Kim clone ready to step in to keep the masses under control and no doubt he won't think twice either about removing a family member who won't tow the line.
  6. Good morning Let's,who is Danaya?
  7. Japan's attitude to this pandemic has been quite laid back up to now but given that they are very close Geographically to China I would have thought their restrictions would have been severe.Unfortunately it looks like they are going to suffer.Lets hope that worldwide we all take the necessary precautions which are well documented and prevent any 2nd wave occurrences.In my opinion lifting restrictions prematurely is a very risky strategy. Stay safe y'all
  8. Aisle take that as a compliment😀
  9. I'm not trying trying to altar anything.😀
  10. I could administer some help if you like? 😊
  11. Hope you're not Cross with him😀
  12. Wot!!! An ex structural engineer that canny put together a trampoline!!😀😀
  13. Hi Let's,is there anything wrong with Personal Messenger or is it me being dumb again?
  14. DONALD WHO?(oh fuck his second name isn't World Health Organisation)😀
  15. The only way this lot(VH tenants)are going to get a grip and understand the danger they are putting themselves in is if VH suspends all filming until the pandemic is under control so in the meantime it should be a lot easier for them to socially distance knowing they are not being watched.The only alternative is no visitors at all ever.VH subs may be ok with that but how boring will it be.They all(VH and tenants alike)better wake up and smell the coffee soon.
  16. Do the tenants get a free VH Subscription?
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