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Everything posted by stanley

  1. Bedroom action at the moment.
  2. Aww, Todd you washed it off.
  3. Why is it every time a couple changes apartment it is always without fail worse than the apartment they moved from? When these people go apartment hunting do they not think about the apartments suitability for cameras or do they just pick the first apartment they see? If you have 8 cams and a house with a sauna, why would you choose the sauna as a room not to put a cam in? Why would you think that viewers would prefer to see you in the hall than in the sauna?
  4. Todd is thanking Chad for his amazing painting
  5. Then rather than keep saying they will fix it tomorrow, they should just tell the truth and say it will be fixed on xxx day when George returns.
  6. James is always saying open support tickets, but that never seems to do any good. I reported again the buffering today and got this reply - I bet if it was the Misty apartment that always had bad buffering they would soon fix that. But I guess this apartment is low priority for them.
  7. If someone painted that on me I wouldn't want to wash it off.
  8. I was going to post screencaps of the painting but the cams are unwatchable I'm going to watch some TV instead.
  9. Once again really bad buffering. The support ticket I raised said they were going to try and fix it yesterday. Doesn't look like they did.
  10. Chad and Todd are getting arty. Some painting is about to start. Looks like Todd's back is going to be the canvass.
  11. One of the reasons why I enjoy this apartment is that for the first time in all the years of these voyeur sites I am able to watch a gay couple who are in love with each other. It is clear that they both deeply love and care for each other, they are tender, always cuddling, rarely going more than a few minutes without kissing each other. They have their issues which have been talked about in length and I get that a lot of people are put off watching them because of the anger issues. For the moment I'm just enjoying the good times and hoping they can find away to resolve the problems they have when they mix alcohol with a 3rd person.
  12. One of the girls at Linda/Carrie is currently doing some bizzare dance to music in the shower. Should we ask Freddy to start doing this during the next apartment dry spell
  13. At the moment 1, because VHTV said that Linda and Carrie would move to the lesbian site. George and Jeka have both been missing in recent weeks, maybe they are both busy perparing to launch more Gay and Lesbian apartments.
  14. It has to be with more than 2. No-one is going to subscribe to a website that only offers what we have at the moment, (no disrespect to what we have now).
  15. SXGD got 170 pages from 2 months of nothing, we've got 78 pages of nothing in less than a week. Question is, if they actually do something just before the record will everyone be pissed off at them
  16. I asked the question via support and they confirmed back to me that the gay website will be launching before the end of 2017.
  17. It was so hot at the party they had to take all their clothes off.
  18. But Jeka likes his apartments to have columns in the middle of rooms - he even has one in his own bedroom.
  19. 7th Oct is when he moved in, so maybe his 1 month trial is nearly over and they want him to sign a new contract. When Jeson was talking to the guest in English he said he was there for a month and then it would be reviewed, so likely Freddie is on the same.
  20. They should get someone who's language is English to proof read all their announcements first. I don't want a separate gay site so if it turns out not to start until next year or the year after that, then the further away the better.
  21. When I saw the first tweet my first thought was that Henry must be having sex with another guy. They don't even bother deleting the wrong tweets either.
  22. This is what they say on their newsletter. I didn't read that any other way as it would happen in 2017.
  23. Twice in the last day they have tweeted on the gay feed about Henry and Mira having sex. Is there something about Mira that I'm missing? Because from the pictures I've seen there's something Mira is missing to be on the gay feed.
  24. I don't think Freddie is in any danger at all. Sometime in the next 8 weeks VHTV is going to launch a gay website and they are going to need gay apartments to do that. With Chad and Todd on the verge of meltdown, Freddie is in a strong position. They just need to find him a housemate.
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