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Everything posted by Catmaster

  1. They dress up for Halloween. Hot! I'm still waiting for Butch dressing up as Frankenstein, but I think in vain. :bang head: There's also something going on at Dasha & Demid. The revenge Halloween party for their host Nelly & Bogdan takes place. The goth housesitters of Nina & Kira are making their way for a party, too. :stirthepot: Expect sex of the housekeeping couple of Nelly & Bogdan. :yeahbaby: Lera the night owl flew out to party and Alex has to keep the house. :nana: What a horror!
  2. I think people who join RLC should be completely aware of what they get into. If they can't handle it, they shouldn't join RLC! RLC is aware of people who block cameras very well.
  3. Lera mostly leaves the bathroom door open, when she's busy at the sink. :curse: The view from the hall only shows a glimpse of her actions. :trashcomputer:
  4. 8) Lera seems to be a night owl. She likes going out lat at night, too. :smoke:
  5. :dwarf: I'm hoping for an upcoming halloween party. They set up first decoration...
  6. An additional cam in the guest bathroom showing the sink would be wishful, too! :yeahbaby:
  7. The brown-haired guest went to bed in her tights. They will be pretty smelly the next morning... :P
  8. I suspect, the relation of Dasha & Demid is over anyway. They just live toghether, but the fire has run out. If they break up, Dasha could leave or take her new BF to this apartment. If they offically leave RLC, Yulia and her BF could move in and Dasha would drop in as a guest from time to time. For me the Dasha & Demid apartment has a high potential for new RLC candidates due to their high rate of visitors. Nelly & Bogdan and Masha & Sasha (the yoga teacher) came to RLC this way. :clap:
  9. I would like to have German or English couples instead, because I would like to understand, what they say.
  10. Yulia is back! :welcome: It's hot blonde alert again!!!!! :drool:
  11. Yes, the 'Arrow apartment' is online again! :woohoo:
  12. A couple of minutes agao, Carla came back to the apartment. The two had a conversation at the entrance. Marion seemed to block her way. Then They went into the bedroom. Carla checked the mail. Later the two met on the sofa and began to cuddle. Some playful fighting added. I am sceptic, the peace will last too long. Mario seems to be an insecure jerk. Let's see how long they make it at last. By the way: where is the small white kitten? I hope it's got a new home with another kitten as compagnion in a more cat friendly enviroment. :idk:
  13. Mario went insane since Carla left. It will be a matter of a very short time, until RLC takes this apartment out. :nana: :screwy: :shithappens: :wtf:
  14. They don't have the girls yet....and they need the right girls! Best would be a bunch of Spanish girls , who know & like each other. No visa issues, no quarrels. They live there for free. They can bring in their boyfriends. They mustn't be camera shy ... and WE will have great fun at last!!! :welcome: :yeahbaby:
  15. Hi, Since this late afternoon CET my RLC screen looks like this: The floor plan doesn't show. You cannot jump to other apartments. I am glad, when I see just one apartment, but I cannot change rooms. The preview below just works well. I restarted my MAC. I let it switched off for 2 hours to cool down. I tried other browsers. Nothing better happens! :BS: What's the problem?
  16. Bogdan is fucking Nelly right now, while she is washing her hair...great! :clap:
  17. It seems to me, they are really acting for the camera. :yeahbaby:
  18. She is eating a banana...what an awesome fantasy! :drool: The soundtrack (for those who speak German)
  19. :yeahbaby: What a torture for the poor Lev! :drool: :lmao:
  20. How awesome is that, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yeahbaby: :clap:
  21. This is my politics, too. When new apartments appear, I check them out. If nothings special happens with these couples, I cancel. :screwy: I do not want to invest time & money in boring couples. :twocents:
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