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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #1

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6 minutes ago, sigfried said:

really, 'asked for it'; several tears ago in florida a girl was raped in a night club parking lot. the judge assumed she was asking for it because she wore a semi transparent dress with no underwear.

Ashley agrees with us about this stuff. She put that in quotes to highlight the idea that for some guys around here if a girl has sex after she’s been assaulted then it’s somehow ok and we’re just spoil sports for talking about it. I’m glad you are here to expose this stuff as well. I want (need) to believe that everyone on these sites is here of their own free will and that no one should be allowed to sexually assault a girl when she is not fully aware, able to consent to it, or if she says “No” or “Stop”, that it means no and any advances must stop immediately.

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

A birthday gift? Women don't take men as birthday gifts. Women pick who they want to be with. I guess since George is sending the gift she has to accept it huh? George's little play things for you guys to get off on. If that's true, it's sick! #nomanagers

you forget that's Russia .. try to search violation of human rights in russia on google and you will find a lot of news concerning what we western countries do not allow but in russia is allowed.. maybe a man like gift is allowed xD

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4 minutes ago, Rhdem said:

you forget that's Russia .. try to search violation of human rights in russia on google and you will find a lot of news concerning what we western countries do not allow but in russia is allowed.. maybe a man like gift is allowed xD

Lol guys that was a joke. Nobody gets a girl or a boy as gift :biggrin: Sorry can't post pics. Not home for a view hours...

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Just because a counties legal system is fucked up, doesn’t mean it’s ok to sodomize someone against their will.  If Edda was your daughter and you saw what happened and heard what she said, “No”, “Stop it hurts”, would you give Joe the benefit of the doubt then? 

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5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

If Edda was your daughter and you saw what happened and heard what she said, “No”, “Stop it hurts”, would you give Joe the benefit of the doubt then? 

are you referring to Dean? or something happened in this apt?

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7 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Just because a counties legal system is fucked up, doesn’t mean it’s ok to sodomize someone against their will.  If Edda was your daughter and you saw what happened and heard what she said, “No”, “Stop it hurts”, would you give Joe the benefit of the doubt then? 

By God, did we get to the point of traveling all the way here? And lose logic and common sense.
Amy, I know you've already pointed out here before you've acted professionally on this topic., OK you acted on reality situations. And your opinion is pertinent to these cases;

Here in the project, this does not apply in general, unless the act is real violence, with all the physical evidence provided (as was the case with Josh and Silvia).

Sorry, and if you get disappointed with me patience, but this "disk" already got scratched.

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