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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #1

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12 minutes ago, Rhdem said:

you forget that's Russia .. try to search violation of human rights in russia on google and you will find a lot of news concerning what we western countries do not allow but in russia is allowed.. maybe a man like gift is allowed xD

now in russia a husband can legally beat his wife if it's not too severe. 15,000 Russian women were beaten to death by their husbands last year, according to new statistics from the prosecutor's office. Only if a man attacks his wife so savagely that she ends up in hospital, with doctors' signatures on pieces of paper, does he risk any trouble with the law.


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I’m just looking out for the girls Jabbath and everyone. Keeping VH on their toes about this stuff. That’s all I can do. Please don’t give behavior like this a pass so easily. For the sake of the girls safety don’t stick your head in the sand when these things happen just because you think it spoils the mood. Have some standards and draw some lines to keep these girls safe. That’s all I’m asking. 

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