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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #2

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On 01/11/2017 at 5:21 PM, darkpyker said:

bandicam 2017-11-01 21-17-12-502.jpg

bandicam 2017-11-01 21-17-15-930.jpg

bandicam 2017-11-01 21-17-35-153.jpg

bandicam 2017-11-01 21-17-56-999.jpg


On 01/11/2017 at 5:22 PM, darkpyker said:

bandicam 2017-11-01 21-17-58-163.jpg

bandicam 2017-11-01 21-18-52-687.jpg

bandicam 2017-11-01 21-19-44-839.jpg

bandicam 2017-11-01 21-19-46-814.jpg

Just your tongue, sensitivity, and the right technique to do it. And we have already seen that he has too much.

On 01/11/2017 at 5:23 PM, thedbear said:

Is it happening? Really ??! Finally !!!:heart::heart::heart::biggrin:

The sequence of images above or in those moments' files managed to surprise me.:biggrin:
I knew that Alan had the 'way' as I observed before but did not consider that the effect on Serena would be so rewarding.:angel:

( time 00:16/00:21)


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9 hours ago, Sparkles said:

Нина уезжала одна в 5:34 утра (прибыл в 5:24, не меняя ни одного слова с Ална, который пошел сразу спать, когда приехал)


at 5:45 am Alan cried in bed ..

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