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Lisa & Em - Part #2

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we have 22 girls in vh.tv and i have seen 13 have bi sex pussy licking 

never seen in bi real sex

 Mika, alice,violet,lisa,  

Just girlplay dildo etc  linda, carrie, anastasia,

Tonight i hope u Em help lisa to get off my list

only pussy-licking take u
off my list

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3 minutes ago, jontee said:

we have 21 girls in vh.tv and i have seen 13 have bi sex pussy licking 

never seen in bi real sex

 Mika, alice,violet,lisa,  

Just girlplay dildo etc  linda, carrie, anastasia,

Tonight i hope u Em help lisa to get off my list

only pussy-licking take u
off my list

You have to update your repeated post... 

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On 11/6/2017 at 1:07 PM, Sparkles said:

I got curious to see what happen and went to timeline

Did you notice what she did to him at 02:02?? the slap?? Because he was playing with her and hide her phone at loggia?? 

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Then she went to the bedroom till 02:12 when she started to cuddle him

And it wasn't a push in the definition of the word, she was already at the edge of the couch, she took his arm way (it was over her) 3-4 seconds earlier and at 2:16:50 you can see a little touch from him which made her slip and fall







One minute later at bedroom she wasn't crying at all


Then she went to loggia 5 minutes later and he arrived 2 minutes later,she was all the time touching the phone, and when he prepared to leave at 02:28:30 they talk something for 10 seconds...


and then she open the bedroom door strongly and go to bed


then 15 seconds later...


at 02:31 she closed the bedroom door after she strongly had slammed the living room door after sia went to see if everything was alright. then.... After Sid come back to the room, she stayed at the hall sitting on the flor for 23 minutes - sia and lisa went to talk with her


At 02:58 she starts to "small" cry (nose noises) and then turn the light off at 02:58:35

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And start crying (1 hour after the slap and 45 minutes after the couch episode)


30 seconds later she went to the hall crying where she stayed for 22 minutes...

and then... 


And to end... friendship :heart:

So the crying wasn't indeed a consequence of the "touch" on the couch. Didn't see such drama for all that cry , so i guess it was the words or something from their relation that was talked. At bedroom after she start to cry and when she was there, he tried to help her hugging her most part of the time

Sorry for very long post but i got my self capping all the moments

Yo sparkles, i'm a little disappointed,  you missed a whole minute and a half between 3am and 303am. Please be a littlemore specific next time! Lol!

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