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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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My Sexy Belle:heart: has just stripped off into the tiniest G-string - still overdressed if you ask me LOL - and is on the bed with Avi in a pretty pink bikini to watch a film. I guess I shall have to wait for more nudity but maybe I have had my fill for the day :biggrin:

sexy mila kunis GIF

One day My Belle:heart: Mila will show you the way.

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12 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

My Sexy Belle:heart: has just stripped off into the tiniest G-string - still overdressed if you ask me LOL - and is on the bed with Avi in a pretty pink bikini to watch a film. I guess I shall have to wait for more nudity but maybe I have had my fill for the day :biggrin:

sexy mila kunis GIF

One day My Belle:heart: Mila will show you the way.

BB, you have posted the same picture many times, I'm not against spicing up a post with a nice pic, but can you maybe find new ones, if you add the same picture to every post, it is better to drop the pic.

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11 minutes ago, ed2 said:

BB, you have posted the same picture many times, I'm not against spicing up a post with a nice pic, but can you maybe find new ones, if you add the same picture to every post, it is better to drop the pic.

ed2, because that would be my chosen signature so I put it up when I remember. Besides which it's awesome. maybe I'll post it a bit less but it's on topic, she's a sexy Ukrainian pixie

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3 hours ago, van the man said:

Sorry if this upsets BBsq69 but the worship of Belle is very tedious. Nice eye candy of her pussy but the girl offers nothing to RLC. A couple of nights under the influence of drink and /or drugs where she participated in a major event but since then all she does is a bit of childish silly dancing and another 95% of the time laying on her bed belly first. I'm sure she must be suffering from bed sores by now!!

Add in the Twins and Leia and we have a care home for the eternally unoccupied! I'm not sure i have even noticed Avi yet!  Give Karol her own appartment and close down this one. it's too big anyway with shit cam positions. 



Spot fucking on

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1 minute ago, curious said:

" tripod2 quoted you in a topic: Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (2018)
20 minutes ago "

but where is it? it brings me here where tripod has quoted van the man...

any ideas?

it is a CC program fuc* up---it has happened to me as well--takes me to a place where no quote of me was made

but of someone else.

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