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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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Just now, nagachilli2 said:

I just want to give Monica a big hug...She's pretty upset, tbh...I don't think it's the girls though...

Hey girl, I hate to see you like that...:heart:

Oh dear might need some Aussie lovin time.

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25 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Je veux juste donner Monica un gros câlin ... Elle est assez bouleversée, TBH ... Je ne pense pas que ce sont les filles mais ...

Hey girl, je déteste te voir comme ça ...:heart:

monica est triste et ni sofie et naomi pour la consoler si un jour ca leur arrive je serai content

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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I just want to give Monica a big hug...She's pretty upset, tbh...I don't think it's the girls though...

Hey girl, I hate to see you like that...:heart:

Beautiful lady has been this way for a couple of hours now...:confused:.. I hope it can be fixed.. whatever it is

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I would be, if you really like Monica, to stop mentioning Sofie and Naomi in your post, it hurts Monica to see that, she is already pretty sad like that

Concentrate on Monica and tell her everything Monica wants to hear and read

But hurry, because she still hesitates between staying and leaving
Monica, I'll only have one word to tell you "STAY" 

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il y a 7 minutes, menouscope2015 a dit :

Ils devraient inviter Monica à les rejoindre

sofie ne le fera pas elle se prend pour la chef et quand elle en aura marre de naomi elle fera pareil elle met une mauvaise ambiance dans l appart

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