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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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Even though I am not a great fan of Sofie, I cannot help but feel some massive hypocrisy going on here at the moment. Sofie does what she does to get viewers as does virtually every single girl here. Sofie has been extraordinarily successful at it, possibly more so than any other Barcelona girl, and I think that is part of what people don't like. But when B4 girls lie of the bed naked or with their legs apart for large periods of the day as they all do except maybe for Tiana - I don't know as I have never had occasion to watch her - then they don't get the same flak that Sofie and indeed Masha (although maybe not last night) gets. As far as I am concerned most of it is a show but I do not care and why should anyone else? Surely you know what you are getting by now? I don't really see any difference between behaviour with 2 girls labelled as sweet than with 2 girls labelled as clickbait, except there is a fair chance the clickbait is more interesting.  

Of course when someone brings a BF it is a bit different - like the couples' apartments which some on this thread say they don't watch or that at least would not subscribe were it not for Barcelona - but the rest of the time the girls seem to be analysed by cynics which seems almost entirely based on whether they like a girl or not.

The solution is that if you feel that way just don't watch the girls you don't like. Remember we have 9 girls here (should really be 10 or 11 or 8 #oneroomonegirl), 10 if you count Amina, and that's much more choice than the 6 or 7 or even 3 we used to have. Just enjoy the show. 

Thanks to all the Barcelona Girls

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