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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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1 hour ago, Sergio said:

among the new rules, there should also be that of using a regular writing format, not like many posters editors, the bigger the format, the less brain has what it writes

How a Member makes their Posts is solely upon the Individual. There are many writing Formats, Colors and Font Sizes within the Format Box that we have no Control over as those Features were installed by the Software Developer that designed the Forum Software.

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There is an irony that the use of font size and colour hints at creativity which of course certain users have in abundance when describing what a girl might be up to when out or the apartment is UM.

BTW when the font is small chances are that I have dictated it because I have poor eyesight. If I use a large font I can see easier although obviously for emphasis I go really BIG.

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