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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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42 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

monica you need to tell rlc that they should move you to b4 where the heat works   and let tent girl stay in the only room at b2 that has heat

Im not sure the heat works so well in b4 either, maybe on some of the floors, the bf is preparing the fireplace in the livingroom.

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I've gotta say. I'm well impressed with Jas's BF right now...and I don't mean in a gay way...:dodgy:.
She obviously loves him, and he's been pretty affectionate so far, but it's his interaction with the girls...They don't appear to be uncomfortable with him in the house. Of course they're gonna cover up with him there, it's only natural, but he's just been out for wood for the fire in shit weather, and is now cleaning it out to light a new one...he's a damn site more respectable than many of the guys we've seen. especially in R2...We shouldn't judge a book by it's cover and the most important thing here is that Jas is happy...:heart:

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