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Mary & George

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8 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

Remember George in the bathroom? If I was her after witnessing that I wouldn't go near the place.

In bathroom when Mel was there?Disnt seen nothing bad.You probarby talking the day after.But if she(Mel)it's friend of the couple won't stop be because all that crapp it happend,myself prefer to see the good changes after that event..like him being sober and treating her good.And hopeful they will continue improving and with guests/friends visits also.

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17 minutes ago, ze81 said:

No way,another dam cam couple!?Did Jeka gived up to look for othe type of residents!?In this case I was surprised had no indication they did cam.

Second active cam couple together with Stella & Stephan but both are from Jeka.

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