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Mary & George

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19 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Hope you are wrong,want to see Mel more,have no intention or wish to see George and Mary,to me the place it's Mary and would hope  seing her with other people.

Yes ! I wanted to see Mel too. With and with George and Mary, which was what I found happening in the tub episode.

I do not know if George also found this or what?

The fact is that it triggered a situation there. The fact ALSO is that when Mel arrived, George was away. And he returned drunk. Completely

Who, then, would Mel really be among them?
Has anyone ever wondered that there?

Everyone looks at the act of violence and pre-judges, but they forget or forget that he started or had his preview in less intensity precisely in the visit of Mel. With both sleeping on the living room sofa.

What has to stop here (in my view) is to promote cheerleading by separations.

If they enter as a couple, then they leave as a couple.
Simple .

If the relationship were already unstable behavior before VH, they would not be in this together.

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5 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Yes ! I wanted to see Mel too. With and with George and Mary, which was what I found happening in the tub episode.

I do not know if George also found this or what?

The fact is that it triggered a situation there. The fact ALSO is that when Mel arrived, George was away. And he returned drunk. Completely

Who, then, would Mel really be among them?
Has anyone ever wondered that there?

Everyone looks at the act of violence and pre-judges, but they forget or forget that he started or had his preview in less intensity precisely in the visit of Mel. With both sleeping on the living room sofa.

What has to stop here (in my view) is to promote cheerleading by separations.

If they enter as a couple, then they leave as a couple.
Simple .

If the relationship were already unstable behavior before VH, they would not be in this together.

Myself don't think at all was Mel and Mary night that triggered things,when house opened Mel was with them,so seems they are friends,and seems they could be more than friends,in my opinion what triggered things as the alcool,then westerday an couple friends were in the house and they all drinked a lot,then all gone out(without Mary)and probarby they drink even more.Regard instable relationship..Dean and candy are an exempl of that,even as only guests they were like that and they got an house.

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