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15 hours ago, Amy3 said:

@golfer06 and @Just In I know you guys don’t like me, that’s fine I can live with it, but I want to spare you from wasting your time trying to poke at me for touting “real voyeurism” all the time. I don’t like boring tenants any more then you do, so it’s not right to poke at me in this way. Perhaps you’re referring to someone else, but I doubt it.

Here, I clarify my feelings on this issue. 


Amy I never said that I dislike you. As sometimes you will spur on a good discussion with valid points, but I am getting tired of reading the same old statements about your view of voyeurism as I think voyuerism takes on different points of view, you started you own thread on what you think voyeurism should be and that gave you your platform to advise your opinion, if others joined in then good you have started a discussion which will have valid and non valid points depending on a persons own point of view.

Now I don't care if someone has something to say as it is there right and should of course do so but after several months of the same thing in multiple threads folk's may start to skip your posts because they could be fed up reading the same thing over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over again, then the discussions that do have valid points which you bring up will get missed because people could have switched off.

The other point I would like to raise is that for month's I have stayed somewhat quiet on this subject and gave you the chance to say your point and all I am doing is asking is for the same, I have made my point and that we need to move on.

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Now at 1 'o'clock  local time     Zack  is playing video game and  completely neglects the poor girl who is waiting sadly. Zack  a gentleman ?no a big  selfish irespecfull bounder

no respect for others don't expect respect for yourself.

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1 minute ago, nicsjom said:

Now at 1 'o'clock  local time     Zack  is playing video game and  completely neglects the poor girl who is waiting sadly. Zack  a gentleman ?no a big  selfish irespecfull bounder

no respect for others don't expect respect for yourself.

The only purpose you post here are hitting on the guys I think?

First it was Kyle. Now it is Zack. Who is next?

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