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Paisley & Cletus

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1 hour ago, jabbath1987 said:

Seriously when Paisley & Cletus won't survive that would be really a shame for VH

There are tons of other zzzzzzzzzz apartements that still survive.They should do ok although I'm not a big fan.

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5 hours ago, groomy said:

Hmm... Just note. 2 pages - for MMF with anal and DP? When Anna did DP - 10-15 pages.

And yet, they have problems with being interesting and keeping point of interest. Just an example. Alice&Darcie&Stif - 22 to 6am and 9 pages in forum.

First: Normal.. first it was a novelty.. now not anymore.. And it was Anna
Second: also normal.. It's not the first threesome here, not even the second.. If you go see the first try with this guy there was a lot more page.
Normal at A&D&S had more attention.. It was sooner and it's something total radical from what they do, normally "nobody" cares with them with weeks with half dozen posts since old house (check the number of pages from one and another and the days online).. And there was drama.. arguing... wasted girl.. failure sex.. all the ingredients.. show to cams .. wobbling on the red carpet

Well supposedly they would be doomed at first month.. and even they give them a fucking shit house when compared to others i would say that for now they are the starts of the a&l company.. and for their own good, already leaved (supposedly) the trial period

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I am also a fan of the two, the problem is here as well as other apartments that there are no "apartments". No pictures on the wall, no plants or flowers and only the most necessary furniture. In the bedroom is the only decoration 3 cameras with tripod. How should one feel comfortable there? In addition there is the bad camera position in the living room. A real three-way MFF or a four-MMFF did not exist either. Men prefer to see FF instead of MM. Maybe come soon😃

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Just now, Hank Moody said:

I am also a fan of the two, the problem is here as well as other apartments that there are no "apartments". No pictures on the wall, no plants or flowers and only the most necessary furniture. In the bedroom is the only decoration 3 cameras with tripod. How should one feel comfortable there? In addition there is the bad camera position in the living room. A real three-way MFF or a four-MMFF did not exist either. Men prefer to see FF instead of MM. Maybe come soon😃

I agree about the place they really deserve a much better one...

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