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Zack & Blonde Part #2

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1 hour ago, Sparkles said:

Just the simple fact that zack allows and encourages all that make him at same level then the other abuser... the other one was always evident his problems .. but the manager for some "reason" get his position as boss to put girls under him

Allowing these losers coming back was the worst and low level decision that VH had in this two years 

I totally agree. What @groomy says does not let room for any doubts. 

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15 hours ago, groomy said:

About incident. Asked to comment in PM. But if @Voyeur House TV open apartment - and kind of normal activity is all being done/nothing happened. Even seriously upped an apartment on global list. So I think it's worth doing it in "extended public version with gifs" too.

In fact, this is worse than I thought. I assumed - usual difference of mentality EU&US subscribers and Russia girls&guys (girl not like this - but not against too). But girl - really said "No" and "Hard stoppers". After there was a key point. She drank something and her condition changed. She was quickly dead. Well, then - drugged&rape.

She said many times - "Do not touch me!", "Guys take your hands off" and many variations - including hard (dirty talk).




Then decision is made - "Fuck this bitch no matter what"


She feels worse - but still resists.


Now she will weaken and we will do it!


Plan B

First time - she refuses.


After 15 minutes - she drinks.


She said - I want to sleep. Zack said - Спи, отдыхай. (Sleep&Rest)


After she "died". ~10 min after drink. But not full. Last Activity. She tried to resist. And said "Кто здесь? Сука отпусти!!" / Who is there? "Bitch" keep your hands!! - this is hard stopper and indicator that she does not know where she.



Pants cut.


Last - Zack prepare to next guy in life this girl.



Returning Zack and Blonde online was also worse than I expected. I believed on basis of these tweets - there was gentlemen’s agreement. Z&B - invite girl again - only then apartment online. They show for subscribers that everyone is happy - no problem.


Maybe I'm wrong - but at moment, it looks like girl got really bad experience and added guys to ignore-list. Therefore, at this point - in fact, Zack's version has no evidence. And therefore - it looks like current situation (no invite that guest girl) is approved @Voyeur House TV . But again. Let return Gloria and Romeo — they had more evidence just "role-playing game fighting". Because after 40 minutes they were reconciled and tearfully asked not to kick out them. Why they are worse? And I repeat - home violence (in format Gloria&Romeo) is an not hard crime under criminal law in Russia&Ukraine. Rape&Drugged - this is serious criminal offense in Russia&Ukraine. Girl not go to police. But if you kick out Gloria and Romeo for fight (after - reconciled and tearfully asked not to kick out them) - then why Zack is stay here???


Again - if @Voyeur House TV wants to know more - they should watch this video. With investigation. Different girl&result - but scenario is one. Or hidden use drugs on girls - already supported @Voyeur House TV?



 @Voyeur House TV chose money instead of decency and good reputation. Well, when time to extend my premium access, I will take this into account.👎

All said.Didnt watched the thing but couldn't be worst.There is no justification for such act,none!Already didn't watched the place(the two dudes at some point,by their beyavour desgusted,make me feel ashamed as a men,person).I had their age and never act like them.In one word..Disgusting.

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I love watching sex and good looking girls But call me old fashion,,seing this dudes rap&&&& the girl imediatly makes me feel disgusted by them,with or without sex with good looking girls,and seing them being "supported" ,"guests coming to zack&blonde apartment..don't miss it!"..it's EVEN more disgusting.Have no words really😣.

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What the fuck.am I late with this but vhtv have just posted an invite to the cavemens apt.with don't miss it on it.any males that associate themselves with that pair and their scumbag friends are certainly not welcome in civilized society.vhtv what the fuck are you thinking.take heed:subscriptions could be lost.

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girl isn't very attractive, but that didn't prevent the apartment to be among of most watched at the moment. Hypocrisy in its purest form, or maybe  forum hasn't got enough power to influence on others? probably the second option  lol


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49 minutes ago, nack said:

U.N.B.E.L.I.A.B.L.E.How the hell any decent human being will just ignore what happened and watched them again with other woman's.If I was the girl from other night i wouldn't acept return to house and dudes for any amount of money.

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9 minutes ago, waldi said:

girl isn't very attractive, but that didn't prevent the apartment to be among of most watched at the moment. Hypocrisy in its purest form, or maybe  forum hasn't got enough power to influence on others? probably the second option  lol

snapshot.jpg  0

Not watching at all,and think most users that post pics etc won't do that again,it's not the forum that is wrong...if you give an "special drink" to an girl,then basicaly try to force her to have sex,then cut her phanties..and nothing happens,that's sick!

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