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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic December 2018 #10

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Some time ago I was on a flight from Hong Kong to Europe. I followed the route on the flight map, and in the middle of the trip, the flight was between Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk. That made me think of Leora and the fact that it would be possible to visit Krasnoyarsk one day if I had a good reason.

That reminds me of an old joke about a rich businessman, of course American (maybe even president today?), who was very hot in flirting with a pretty lady at a cocktail party. Then he draw the lady aside and said: "If I paid you million dollars, would you have sex with me?" The lady thought for a while and said "I guess I would". The guy then said "I offer you 100 bucks". The lady felt insulted and retorted "What do you think I am!" and the guy continued "I know now what you are, we just have to negotiate about the price".

The daydreaming question: "How much would it cost to spend a weekend with Leora and send Paul to a five-star hotel for that time (I don´t know the closest five-star hotel there, maybe far away). Could that happen for 5 000 bucks? 10 000? 50 000? More? Or would that be totally impossible? I do not regard her as venal, I just like to imagine what it would be like to make such a daydream come true.

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