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Nina & Kira General Chat Topic 2019 #1

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They are both quite beautiful young ladies.  Red appears to have a very nice rack.  Blondie has changed her shirt and is now wearing Kira's Batman shirt.  😮

I was going to go out for a bit, but I think I will just stick around instead.  Perhaps some interesting things will develop...  😈  


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48 minutes ago, cday3 said:

Movie:  Gogol. Terrible Revenge    😉

Thanks! I was super curious as to what they were watching. I was thinking Game of Thrones or something. 😉 It's great to see them have guests, especially ones that seem really nice. Cute too!

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il y a 44 minutes, bigmac18 a dit :

The two visiting girls went out, but one just returned and is about to sleep on the couch. That's new!

I think the blonde took the other one home, and needs a place to stay because she doesn't live in Piter.🤔

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