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B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic January 2019 #1

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1 hour ago, meran said:

prostitute will charge extra for anal 🙂 
Escort all services included 🙂 

Escorts usually don't provide Sexual Services. They go out on Dates with Lonely Men or Executives such as Dinner Dates as some guys just don't like going to a Restaurant or a Business Engagement alone when they are Travelling away from Home.  There is a difference between the two professions.  In the end it's all about the Money.

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Il y a 2 heures, Noldus a dit :

J'espère vraiment que vous vous rendez compte qu'ils plaisantent avec vous.
Quelqu'un affirmé ici , ils étaient des filles d' escorte il y a quelques jours et je l' ai signalé comme non convenable, qu'il peut être perçu comme prostituées. Mais il a été accepté par les mods ici .. Maintenant , les filles nous ont répondu ..

Et je vais avoir peur d'elles !!! Non mais n'importe quoi ! 

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A piece of Advice for the lovely girls of B-2 since we now you read the forum.

Quit with the damn click baiting shows, the voyeurs don't really want to see that, what the true voyeur's want, is for all of you to completely forget about the cameras, and let us be fly's on wall. That means do as would do in your everyday lives, act completely normal, and do the things how you would if there were no cameras, without regard to what you read on these forum's. 

Most important, become thin skinned, as you will always have critics, after all RLC is extremely expensive voyeur porn site, in which all 3 of you were fully aware of prior to coming to Barcelona, especially Leia who was in B-4 for almost 3 months with a few of the real superstars of RLC. 

The 3 of you are very lovely young ladies, all we ask is that you let all of your beauty show, all of personality, all of who and what you really are in life, and of course all of your sexuality, and soon the critics will go away, and you will be able to make B-2 one of the most watched top cam apartments.

Always be Safe, Always be Well, and Always be Happy.


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Il y a 7 heures, maxfactor a dit :

This painting of the mannequin is a big fuck you to all of us. 

Yes it is a BIG FXXK YOU, i swear if i am there i will bitch slap each of them 🤬

Please RLC, change the girls in B2. Give me the candy to renew my replay for another few months.

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I do not know if the writing on the mannequin has been addressed to us, but I would like to remind the dear girls that it is thanks to us assholes if they take a rich salary, if they do not want comments on them, they can go to work in the mine or some factory

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