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R1 (Kristy, Maracuya, Alana, Rosalie) General Thread April #2 / May #1

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6 hours ago, oscaraus said:

Have you noticed that Kristy's boy has taken over her side of the bed nearest the door.  I'm starting to think he may be around for some time??

I think it's the other way around. Kristy chose the right side, when she was alone in bed. But you're right, this could be a long term relationship. She has apparently got rid of some of his violence, seems only pulling her hair left, during the last three months. I think it's a mistake, but we are just voyeurs without democratic influence. To bad since we're paying. LOL

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It is about time for Alana to come into her own in the Penthouse, so I say Alana in the raw nude and letting go of inhibitions that keep holding back. It would be very pleasing for us and I know it would be quite pleasing for her. So c'mon Alana it is about time to shine like the Angel you are high in the dark night sky.


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Continue to find Kinda strange how the girls many time arrive basicaly at same time,maybe they all have houses in same neighborhoods.As time pass more and more i feel it's an Two residents house.Rosa is basicaly an guest,doesn't do more than the Ks did.Alana,very present(and apresciate that)but that's all.when it's more obvious the diference between the residents is when for exemple is in the house Kristy and Mara and when is Rosa and Alana.The first ones we have good changes of seing them having fun with their partners etc,with the later two..at max we have good chances of seing endless hours of teasing in kitchen that ends in one of them putting an tend or in livingroom coach or in bed.

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