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Leora - General Chat Topic 2019 #2


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3 minutes ago, raul399 said:

the clitoris is wet and more sensitive ... if you don't stop you will have a happy ending ... hahaha ... and me too ... hahaha

Raul are you trying to increase your post count. All these post on this page could have been put into one post. People get tired of reading 10 posts all saying the same thing.  So take some advice and slow down.

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16 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

Raul, ¿estás tratando de aumentar tu número de publicaciones? Todas estas publicaciones en esta página podrían haberse colocado en una publicación. La gente se cansa de leer 10 publicaciones que dicen lo mismo. Así que toma algunos consejos y disminuye la velocidad.

I'm not interested in communications at all ... but it would be interesting to create a thread that is private chat Leora .. hahaha ... now I will behave like the rest .. without putting my hands on the keyboard and putting my hands on my penis .. hahaha

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