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Get rid of and close the Rants & Flame wars section


Get rid of and close the Rants & Flame wars section  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we get rid of and close the Rants & Flame wars section

    • Yes, close it.
    • No, leave it open.

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25 minutes ago, Robwin said:

But with all respect you are against freedom of speech as what you are basically trying to do is to silence just one person, namely Amy3 who has a point of view, or many points of views ::) that you don't like mainly because its often about you. There are many members i don't agree with but they all have their views and are entitled to them however much others don't agree. Yes Amy can be a pain in the ass and i have often called her a dumb broad but many are often a pain in the ass but that doesn't mean we have to ban them or stop them commentating on what happens on VH.

People often say derogatory things about the tennants but to be honest, as i have said before in forum, if that was any of my daughters i saw on here i would be horrified, I know you don't agree with that, but we all comment and take the piss out of many as they just put themselves up for public attention and comment.

I would suggest you lighten up a bit as life is not always fair in many ways but when you are in the public eye you must accept the bad comments as much you you accept the praise which many get as well. Not neccessarily for the right reasons but then thats another debate :biggrin:

Hey yes in that particular case it is because of that comment of hers. But no I do not silence her. Look I even tried to talk with her lately. For the rest thanks for your kind words. I am actually in good mood today 😁

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9 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

To you, Amy3, Harley, and a few others, etc... you are a bunch of shit disturbers that will never get along no matter what the subject. If you all want to call yourselves ADULTS, then act like it. The Admin only lets you few stay around because you generate traffic with your arguments. Other than that you all are as useless as tits on a bull. Get a life already. 

Rant over!

LOL let me bow to you!  I'm an adult all the way and yes i could be considered a shit stirrer from time to time, but the problem with this forum is that it's way to liberal and liberals are a bunch of cry babies.  in a forum such as this people should not have to be nice and positive all the time and when there are those of us that don't abide by that liberal way of thinking, we are accused on not being an adult and a shit stirrer and personally i find that quite sad.  if the only reason the Admin keeps myself, Amy3 and a few others around is because we generate traffic with our arguments, then what does that say about this forum?  for an adult forum this is the most childish forum i've ever seen bar none!!

at any rate, i just got home from lake Travis and i need to get clothes in the wash and put stuff away so i'm cutting this short.  i hope Dorian skates on by and everybody is safe and doesn't have to go through what i did with Harvey!!

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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

LOL let me bow to you!  I'm an adult all the way and yes i could be considered a shit stirrer from time to time, but the problem with this forum is that it's way to liberal and liberals are a bunch of cry babies.  in a forum such as this people should not have to be nice and positive all the time and when there are those of us that don't abide by that liberal way of thinking, we are accused on not being an adult and a shit stirrer and personally i find that quite sad.  if the only reason the Admin keeps myself, Amy3 and a few others around is because we generate traffic with our arguments, then what does that say about this forum?  for an adult forum this is the most childish forum i've ever seen bar none!!

at any rate, i just got home from lake Travis and i need to get clothes in the wash and put stuff away so i'm cutting this short.  i hope Dorian skates on by and everybody is safe and doesn't have to go through what i did with Harvey!!

You are not making sense--you wrote-"people should not have to be nice and positive when there are those of us that don't abide by that liberal way of thinking"--therefore,  liberals are not nice and positive people--they create crisis and chaos, so in your words, that would make you a liberal and a cry baby. 

And BTW, then why do you insist on calling me a shit stirrer---if you "find that quite sad"  ???

Admin wants quantity of posts to show that it is an active Forum --not necessarily quality--so that is why you and others are around--that is what is says about this forum.  And childish--yes you and some others create it simply by the

content and intent of your "arguments"  to hate RLC and most of the girls that participate in it IMO

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Rants and Flames is unmoderated except for Spam, CP and other such illegal stuff. Political correctness, courtesy, etc., don't exist here. It's like a sewage treatment plant without the treatment.

Myself, I seldom go there unless I hear that someone actually posted a witty comment in this dump. Vent all you want there, everybody: just make sure I'm not downwind of you. ☺️

---Edited--- My squirrel brain malfunctioned and I thought this was in the Rants & Flames section when it is actually still in the Polls topic. My bad.

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22 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

I will be completely honest I make this poll because a former friend of mine used the section to hit on me and put me down and I can do nothing against it. I am on this site for quite a time now and never had to use this section to hit on people knowing they can do nothing against it because the forum laws do not apply there. I feel this is not fair at all and this section only boosts and ecourages such behavior. 

Why can't you do anything against it? You do have the right to reply to whatever they said, whether you choose to use it is up to you.  The Rants and Flame wars section was set up after the forums exploded due to an influx of overtly rascist, homophobic and all the rest, weirdos who tried to push their 4chan memes and shit in here. The mods did very little to moderate it with one of the mods, who shall remain nameless (because everybody knows which one I mean) actively supporting the base posting that was going on.  A few people took issue with these posts and challenged the posters who felt empowered by the support of people the were mods so the forums broke down for a while as flame wars errupted everywhere.

I might have got the timeline wrong but the whole forum was effectively reset (whether because of the above or not) by moving to a new server and format which deleted all the various posts by all the various usernames that people, including me, burned through and the chosen method of "moderating" the forum after that was a rants and flame wars section with a timeout/ban hammer to those that didn't use it. It took away the potential audience for the shitposters and you don't see that sort of behaviour now in the general forums (although I'm sure that shit is still going on in the dark corners of the "Old Dudes Board and their "Satirical Jokes" section but meh, they've moderated themselves into that corner so that's a thumbs up from me). 

Yeah, I've been around from the start and the only reason I don't post more is that the quality of the Pretend Voyeur Experience on offer today as compared to the early days doesn't give much to actually constructively comment on and I feel the only time I'm moved to make a comment is when someone posts something that I don't agree with and I've got better things to do with my time rather than try to convince a stranger that their opinion on some Russian girl doing sex tricks on the internet for other strangers is wrong.

Now, this poll isn't in the rants or flames wars section, as a few people posting above seem to have forgotten so I'm not going to trash you @jabbath1987, but, as per your above personal quote, you've made this about you so:

I find your posting highly hypocritical compared to the cool guy/open-minded persona that you fashioned for yourself in the early years of your participation here.  You have tens of thousands of posts but the majority of them are generally in support of your VH buddies in an effort to try to negate what you believe are anti-VH comments made legitmately by other forum users - it's as though you think that defending some of the nasty shit that goes on in these apartments is a means to boost not just VH business but also your own reputation on these forums - and absolutely the opposite has happened. It seems that no one can have a negative opinion on VH with you jumping through logical hoops to reply to everything with the same old, "It's fine, this is normal, VH is still great, it's just human nature," bollocks that you always come out with.  You've set yourself up as some kind of VH opinion filter that tries to react and redefine every negative VH post - I actually don't think you meant to do that but by this stage - it's old, it's expected and it's ineffectual.


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19 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

You are vastly outweighed here. You claim that this is an adult board. I'd be willing to bet most of the 80,000 plus members are kiddies still living under their mommy's apron strings. Their posts prove that beyond the shadow of a doubt.


this forum has 80 000 members but only a very very small amount of members are active. If you count the number of members who posted more than 2 messages last 6 months, i'm sure there is less than 500

With the previous version of this forum 3yrs ago, these stats were provided bu the board itself

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On 9/2/2019 at 2:28 AM, jabbath1987 said:

I think in a forum made for adults everybody here should be as mature and have manners to behave like a civilized human. So this section should not be needed. There should be no section where you can put down and insult other people (members, tenants, mods) without any "law" I will be completely honest I make this poll because a former friend of mine used the section to hit on me and put me down and I can do nothing against it. I am on this site for quite a time now and never had to use this section to hit on people knowing they can do nothing against it because the forum laws do not apply there. I feel this is not fair at all and this section only boosts and ecourages such behavior. 

Therefore I vote for it to be closed. Now I want to hear about the opinion of others in here. Especially mods and @Admin

Hi Jab, I understood this section was for off topic stuff being being repeated ad nauseam. I got nothing against off topic comments since that's what most of mine are. But when things turn argumentative and the same comments back and forth, this is where they should go. So I feel there is a need for rants and flame wars. I don't know of the attacks that you speak of, but unprovoked insults and personal attacks should be totally out of bounds and the mods should definitely step in. 

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2 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Hi Jab, I understood this section was for off topic stuff being being repeated ad nauseam. I got nothing against off topic comments since that's what most of mine are. But when things turn argumentative and the same comments back and forth, this is where they should go. So I feel there is a need for rants and flame wars. I don't know of the attacks that you speak of, but unprovoked insults and personal attacks should be totally out of bounds and the mods should definitely step in. 

Check your pm Ash... And thanks for understanding me 😘

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I really don't see why everyone is getting so uptight about this.If I want to call someone out I certainly don't need Rants and Flames.

Why do you need a thread that allows you to insult and disrespect another person.

If I want answers I simply ask the appropriate questions in a decent and respectful manner and expect the same courtesy in return.

As far as I'm concerned R&F is just an excuse to take disrespectfullness to a whole new level.

As far as the poll is concerned I will not be voting as I am not in the least bit interested in R&F,don't need it,don't use it.




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1 hour ago, Dave 27 said:

I really don't see why everyone is getting so uptight about this.If I want to call someone out I certainly don't need Rants and Flames.

Why do you need a thread that allows you to insult and disrespect another person.

If I want answers I simply ask the appropriate questions in a decent and respectful manner and expect the same courtesy in return.

As far as I'm concerned R&F is just an excuse to take disrespectfullness to a whole new level.

As far as the poll is concerned I will not be voting as I am not in the least bit interested in R&F,don't need it,don't use it.




Thanks for your opinion my friend. Of course you don't have to vote here. 

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