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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic October #3

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1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

Lighten up Alladino...RLC goes on around real life. I live in the UK and have to put up with all the Brexshit shit right now, which is a total embarrassment...

Anyway, you'll be happy to get a bit of real life in B4 now with the appearance of 2 guys...I just hope they aren't gonna fuck any of the girls when they're riots going on in downtown Barca..How inconsiderate...😏


I've already seen it, but thanks for the note. 👍


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Yep I see Miss Goody Two Shoes has already broke off from the gang and is in her room, This has to be the worst tenant ever in the master bedroom, and there have been some bad ones over the years, but none as terrible as MISS GOODY TWO SHOES for sure. Just Pitiful.

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2 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

It would be fun. This woman is beautiful albeit pretty fucking boring. How did she decide this trip was good for her. Must be all about the sightseeing...:wink:

Barca's a lovely place...and when you get free digs and a wage for breathing..Fuck, I'd do it! :biggrin:

She IS gorgeous, btw...

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