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Leora - General Chat Topic November 2019 #11


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3 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

I am delighted to admit that my assumption regarding her leaving for mother Russia by tomorrow is completely wrong. There is no sign of her preparing to leave, which leads me to the conclusion that lwis and Felix were correct in their comments a few days previous.

I offer them both my apologies for being so adamant, but I sincerely believed that she would have a three month visa. I had not considered a student visa or whatever other variation she might have obtained.

I would add that I am delighted for her and everyone who enjoys watching her, and hopefully it will be for a long time to come.🙄

Mate, no worries. I tried to keep your spirits high during those times.

The only bad thing is Aunty is visiting.

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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

Sono lieto di ammettere che la mia ipotesi riguardo alla sua partenza per madre Russia entro domani è completamente sbagliata. Non c'è alcun segno che lei si stia preparando a partire, il che mi porta alla conclusione che lwis e Felix avevano ragione nei loro commenti qualche giorno prima.

Offro a entrambi le mie scuse per essere così irremovibile, ma sinceramente credevo che avrebbe avuto un visto di tre mesi. Non avevo preso in considerazione un visto per studenti o qualsiasi altra variante che avrebbe potuto ottenere.

Aggiungo che sono felice per lei e per tutti coloro che si divertono a guardarla, e spero che rimarrà per molto tempo. 🙄

she arrived on August 14th, so she would still have 4 days in RLC if she leaves

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4 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

I am delighted to admit that my assumption regarding her leaving for mother Russia by tomorrow is completely wrong. There is no sign of her preparing to leave, which leads me to the conclusion that lwis and Felix were correct in their comments a few days previous.

I offer them both my apologies for being so adamant, but I sincerely believed that she would have a three month visa. I had not considered a student visa or whatever other variation she might have obtained.

I would add that I am delighted for her and everyone who enjoys watching her, and hopefully it will be for a long time to come.🙄

As far as I'm concerned, you don't have to apologize ... You're always welcome ...

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11 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

I would bet you’d sooner have Auntie for 5-6 days than Paul for a year, or no Little One at all ......Just a wild guess mate.🤔

Better is she was all mine 🙂

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