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Leora - General Chat Topic November 2019 #11


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54 minutes ago, lwis said:

Allow me here, my opinion, based on facts, as always:
Yesterday, while chatting in a video call with the couple of friends, she got a call on her cell phone ... asked friends 5 or 10 minutes, went to get dressed hurriedly, grabbed some documents and went to the door (talk to someone, I suppose ...)
When she returned, she went straight to GR to put on her clothes, and I didn't see that she had told her friends who had come to visit ??? So I think she was waiting for someone today, before entering UM, and would be someone connected to the RLC.
Just my opinion ....

All she really said was that she had " some serious discussion "......At least that's what my translation came up with. Then they were all gibbering about usual stuff that made very little sense unless you get the full translation. 

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Hello everyone...
I just happened to browse... hahah
and of course to greet good people from this chat...

I couldn't resist reading the last comments...
Nothing has changed in this last week... everything remains the same... (I'm glad not to continue with my subscription)

The only interesting thing was to see what kind of friends he has in Prague... but that is impossible... when he receives a visit... maintenance... hahaha.... (from what I have read)

Guys, keep your speculations going... it's the funniest thing about this chat.....

A hug for all.... 

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17 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Always worth considering whenever The Little One is involved...She was " high maintenance " as far as living with Paul was concerned, and why not , she was the breadwinner apart from a year or so when he got a job with Apple... If she wanted something she used all her girlish charms to get it one way or another, sometimes it would cost her a smile, other times a blow job...They enjoyed fast food delivered to the apartment 4-5 days per week, she bought the finest lingerie every week from her favourite shop, sometimes unusual garments that she would put on once and then discard. The money she spent on cosmetics and beauty treatments such as coffee body scrubs, face masks and body cream, would have fed a family of four for a week. With the business he started up repairing phones, he was hardly likely to be able to afford rent on his new apartment unless he is living with relatives, let alone feed himself, even if he were able to get state benefits which are not very good he would still be struggling.

But they have lived through several years of his unemployment and lack of motivation, so if they have split up, which I am not convinced they have yet,but I wouldn't be surprised. One reason being that possibly this is the perfect opportunity for her to finally break the ties she has had with him since they were young, he has had flashes of anger and violence toward her a couple of times, and possibly she has looked at her life and decided she wants something different....Her body will not keep her in work forever either. Another reason which is possible is..The Little One's life is all centered around her, she gets bored quickly and would have no qualms about cutting him loose if she thought he was holding her back...Paul needs her more than she needs him, and it's always been that way....She cares not a shit for anyone but herself, and she is very good at surviving by wiggling that pretty arse, or flashing that innocent smile, she will manipulate anyone around to her way of thinking eventually...And this is all in a way in which I admire her for, I like her tenacity, her single mindedness, her complete disregard for whatever others may think, and the way she gives the world the finger. She has had and will have more setbacks in life, but she will end up a winner one way or another because she's a survivor with a ruthless streak.:biggrin: 

I'm not stating that my assessment is true, but everyone else is guessing whats happening with her life....So this is my two-pennyworth. 

What I do know is true in my opinion, is that thing just recently are quite predictable and dull around the Prague area....

I actually wonder if she has a more vested interest in RLC than just being an employee.

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