SierraTM Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 il y a 15 minutes, timber a dit : It didn't sound like he lives in Barcelona. It sounded like he was coming to visit. And as I said, I believe this was the guy she's been talking to on the phone ever since she got there. Edit: but yeah, 60 days would be more than enough for me. It's a shame, I think Milena is quite attractive and she was at least interesting in her last stay. But she's done nothing at all so far this time. And Monica has never been my cup of tea, too much of a Sofie imitator for me. I think Monica is a bit of Sofie and a bit of Serafima. She goes out of the house regularly like Serafima & do her thing out of the house. But yes maybe a bit more of Sofie, but as of now, my impression of Sofie is ironically better than of Monica. Perhaps it was her interaction with Naomi & Sara, I think her last stay wasn't too bad. Sofie did shows with other girls, but as of now, Monica did nothing with no one so perhaps this comparison isn't that fair to Sofie. In short, the Monica & Milena's return has been poor so far. Assuming they will stay another 30 days, RLC has that much time to find their replacements. I hope their replacements are new girls. 1
nagachilli2 Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 1 hour ago, SierraTM said: Most of us should now know that the girls do not earn their income just from performing for the cams but also off-cam. You can argue maybe this is her off-day given by RLC & she can do whatever she wants, maybe she went on a day trip, but it is clear these girls do more than one job. It is just unfortunate that the girls run by RLC are not exactly all doing their on-cam job well so I doubt most of us are happy customers. P.S: And this is Barcelona, plenty of escorts (with or without agencies) to choose from and so demand will meet supply. She's on holiday...She just had a fucking date for gods sake...Agreed, it's not as exciting as some of the cock and bull stories some of you guys like to make up but hey, that's real life for you...😏 3 2
nagachilli2 Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 But to add to that, we haven't seen the same Monica a lot of us remembered well from her last stay, sadly. ...☹️ 1
nagachilli2 Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 This 'pseudo lesbian' phrase is becoming nearly as annoying as Brexit, for me 😒 2 1 3 1
Sexytreach Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 58 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said: This 'pseudo lesbian' phrase is becoming nearly as annoying as Brexit, for me 😒 😂🤣
moos54 Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said: But to add to that, we haven't seen the same Monica a lot of us remembered well from her last stay, sadly. ...☹️ sorry to say that Naga because i know you really like Monica but being as honest as possible i don't see any change in her behavior I already made the same observation during her previous participation On the other hand, at least this time, she is not alone and share her time with friends in the house 2 1
nagachilli2 Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 33 minutes ago, moos54 said: sorry to say that Naga because i know you really like Monica but being as honest as possible i don't see any change in her behavior I already made the same observation during her previous participation On the other hand, at least this time, she is not alone and share her time with friends in the house I agree with this Moos, which I prefer to see. She's happier in B4, even if some of the guys here aren't.I always got pretty excited last time whenever she retired to her room, because I loved her long teasing shows. But because she has friends here in B4, she is rarely in the same position now...Maybe if Milena left her alone occasionally, we might see a little more of the 'old' Monica. She's been accused of hiding. She did this last time too. She opened up gradually, but because she bated many times, being on her own as she was, contrary to popular belief, she bated openly numerous times well before she left. Because she's not alone in her room blasting out 'Toto' much now, it appears to be taking longer to get to the same stage, imo I have patience where Magical Monica is concerned, being her #1 fan, but I can also respect that some of you guys aren't as patient as I am...That's cool...😉 1
SierraTM Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 Il y a 3 heures, nagachilli2 a dit : She's on holiday...She just had a fucking date for gods sake...Agreed, it's not as exciting as some of the cock and bull stories some of you guys like to make up but hey, that's real life for you...😏 Yes I did mention that too, she might be on her off-day given by RLC or may have gone on a day trip. And just so you know, having more than one job is real life too. I have nothing against these girls taking jobs outside of this project but I do want to see these girls do more than what they are doing now. Right now, Monica & Milena have been poor to say the least.
Alladino Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 4 hours ago, timber said: It didn't sound like he lives in Barcelona. It sounded like he was coming to visit. And as I said, I believe this was the guy she's been talking to on the phone ever since she got there. Edit: but yeah, 60 days would be more than enough for me. It's a shame, I think Milena is quite attractive and she was at least interesting in her last stay. But she's done nothing at all so far this time. And Monica has never been my cup of tea, too much of a Sofie imitator for me. The whole thing sounds very similar to what happened with Milane and her BF. A visit that never makes it to the RLC place but would have certainly took place there when there would be no cameras. 3 hours ago, nagachilli2 said: She's on holiday...She just had a fucking date for gods sake...Agreed, it's not as exciting as some of the cock and bull stories some of you guys like to make up but hey, that's real life for you...😏 As so often with RLC it is REAL LIFE off cam only. 😒 1
Alladino Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 12 hours ago, maxfactor said: I guarantee that those "pseudo lesbian shows" will be top cam every single time. No matter who or what they are doing if there are two girls on a bed, they will be top cam 99 times out of 100. You cannot in any way say that any couple will beat that. As for a party...well yeah, if all the girls are at a party, then I guess the party there is cock there or not. I think, You don't believe that yourself. Let's be serious. Do you really think that if for example Monica would show up with the guy (she obviously met last night in a hotel) and has sex with him on camera without hidding, more people would care about the thousandth repetition of a silly pseudo lesbian show? Sorry, but I'm not buying it. I am sure that such an event would beat any show, especially those to which the girls put on masks. 😏 Anyway, The thing I want you to understand is something else. This isn't about guys being in GOV. It's about whether GOV really shows the private life of the girls. That's the motto of RLC and that's what made them great, because this kind of content is available nowhere else. 9 hours ago, jjkopite said: Or more real lesbians in GOV !! Yeah, I always said that would be a good solution, too. I just think it should be clear to all of us that RLC can never find enough lesbian or actual bi girls to fill all the GOV apartments. For the other girls, it should be normal to have a male visits. 1
Mauri Posted December 12, 2019 Posted December 12, 2019 9 minutes ago, Alladino said: Penso che non ci credi. Siamo seri. Pensi davvero che se per esempio Monica si presentasse con il ragazzo (ovviamente ha incontrato la scorsa notte in un hotel) e avesse rapporti sessuali con lui in camera senza sbaglio , più persone si preoccuperebbero della millesima ripetizione di uno sciocco pseudo spettacolo lesbico? Scusa, ma non lo sto comprando. Sono sicuro che un evento del genere batterebbe qualsiasi spettacolo , in particolare quelli a cui le ragazze indossano maschere. 😏 Comunque, la cosa che voglio che tu capisca è qualcos'altro. Non si tratta di ragazzi che sono in GOV. Si tratta se GOV mostra davvero la vita privata delle ragazze. Questo è il motto di RLC ed è ciò che li ha resi grandi, perché questo tipo di contenuto non è disponibile da nessun'altra parte. Sì, ho sempre detto che sarebbe stata anche una buona soluzione. Penso solo che dovrebbe essere chiaro a tutti noi che RLC non potrà mai riempire abbastanza ragazze lesbiche o reali per riempire tutti gli appartamenti del GOV. Per le altre ragazze, dovrebbe essere normale fare visite maschili. what made them great, it was definitely not bringing kids back home, since they never did parties like that before Val arrived,
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