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Discussion: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) #1


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9 hours ago, Cody0526 said:

So Republicans all over the country are either being racist about the “Chinese virus,” or still pretending it doesn’t matter. 



9 hours ago, Cody0526 said:

There has been much presented about the House bill being passed 90-8 this afternoon by the Senate, but it was hard to find a list of who actually voted...



9 hours ago, Cody0526 said:

Stupid.  Just plain stupid.


Who does Florida governor Ron DeSantis listen to? Tourist town chambers of commerce, or public health experts? It looks like DeSantis went with the...



9 hours ago, Cody0526 said:

Oye Vay


Aside from another op-ed by Kellyanne Conway’s husband on her boss, we have Trump’s number. This time it could be a COVID-19 death toll of over a...


Why don't stop polluting this thread that is supposed to be only about the Coronavirus-with your US political crap - and keep it in the US General Domestic Politics thread where it should be.!!! 

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13 minutes ago, Dave 27 said:

Hi Ash,Nicole is 22 yrs.old and like our other 3 grandchildren she is a gem.My oldest grandson(22 yrs. Old) and partner are going to make myself and Margaret greatgrandparents in August so we are really chuffed with that,however Charley will have to be wrapped in cotton wool during this ongoing disaster.!!!!!Oh and thanks for the wee compliment.👍

You, Guy, and all your family and friends stay safe.

That's exciting news!  Hopefully all this will have blown over by Aug. You had mentioned this to me before! I'd love to have grandchildren, but I need to have children first! Guys not ready he says, he never be ready. The next time this month I'm most fertile, I'll get him in the missionary position, and when he starts groaning wrap my legs around him like a vice, and instead of coming on my boobs, it'll go where it can do some good!

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3 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

That's exciting news!  Hopefully all this will have blown over by Aug. You had mentioned this to me before! I'd love to have grandchildren, but I need to have children first! Guys not ready he says, he never be ready. The next time this month I'm most fertile, I'll get him in the missionary position, and when he starts groaning wrap my legs around him like a vice, and instead of coming on my boobs, it'll go where it can do some good!

Maybe sooner than that!!!


Hopes of a cure for coronavirus are being pinned on chloroquine – a 70-year-old treatment for malaria – after doctors in France reported positive results.


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China recasts itself as global coronavirus response leader as US, Europe struggle

It's an extraordinary transformation.

In a matter of weeks, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Communist Party have apparently managed to convince the world to forget that they muzzled the coronavirus for months as it grew into what is now a global pandemic, silencing doctors and critics whose early alarms could have saved thousands of lives. Instead, the communist-run nation has now positioned itself as the country ahead of the coronavirus curve, even as they make unsubstantiated claims that the U.S. is behind the crisis. 

From denying its central role in unleashing the pandemic to baseless finger-pointing and finally, to casting itself as a global savior, China's makeover has been aided by a compliant media and allies such as Russia and Iran who are eager to help deflect the blame to the U.S.

"Two narrative tracks that we’re seeing advanced by China is malign information trying to finger the U.S. as the origin of the coronavirus, and then the second narrative track is what we call ‘Brand China,’ which is the [Chinese government’s] effort to try and turn the crisis into a news story about the supremacy of the Chinese Communist Party as opposed to democratic systems that have allegedly mishandled the crisis,” U.S. Special Envoy Lea Gabrielle told The Washington Times. “So [it’s] basically a 'China' good, everyone else bad’ narrative.”

Indeed, China has been mounting a very public -- and largely successful -- humanitarian campaign to come across as a strong world leader. It's a power move that has allowed China to take over a role the United States and Europe have dominated for decades. 

China's private and public sectors are working in lockstep to fast-track aid to countries that are in desperate need of it.

"The Chinese government has been trying to project Chinese state power beyond its borders and establish China as a global leader, not dissimilar to what the U.S. government has been doing for the better part of a century, and the distribution of medical aid is part of that mission," Dr. Yangyang Cheng, a postdoctoral research associate at Cornell University, told The Intercept.

Earlier this week, Xi pledged to send more medical experts to Italy, a country on track to surpass China in the number of coronavirus-related deaths when the numbers are tallied at the end of Thursday.

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11 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

That's exciting news!  Hopefully all this will have blown over by Aug. You had mentioned this to me before! I'd love to have grandchildren, but I need to have children first! Guys not ready he says, he never be ready. The next time this month I'm most fertile, I'll get him in the missionary position, and when he starts groaning wrap my legs around him like a vice, and instead of coming on my boobs, it'll go where it can do some good!

The best of luck with that Ash,😀 but just make sure Guy's happy with your plan.You must BOTH want to be parents.


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21 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

That's exciting news!  Hopefully all this will have blown over by Aug. You had mentioned this to me before! I'd love to have grandchildren, but I need to have children first! Guys not ready he says, he never be ready. The next time this month I'm most fertile, I'll get him in the missionary position, and when he starts groaning wrap my legs around him like a vice, and instead of coming on my boobs, it'll go where it can do some good!

Hi Ash, what Dave hasn't mentioned is that he is 103yrs old 😁👍

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42 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Hi Ash, what Dave hasn't mentioned is that he is 103yrs old 😁👍

Well then being that old he should have enough life experience to know what the hell he is talking about :biggrin:

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4 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Trump fucked it up by doing nothing. Soon the USA will have the most infected I guess.

Trump stopped Chinese from coming to the U.S.A. in January, you must be talking about obama that let 60.8 million Americans get swine flu and almost 15,000 Americans died !! In fact obama waited 6 months before doing anything 

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8 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Trump fucked it up by doing nothing. Soon the USA will have the most infected I guess.


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