StarLight28 Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 Leute hier haben Problem mit der US-google-Übersetzung. Deutsch ist Kultur-Sprache Nummer eins. Noch keine Antwort hier zum Fakt, KUBA hilft medizinisch in Italien usw. USA und Klein-Brittanien sind auch in Sachen Gesundheit totale Versager. Nur KUBA kann helfen. Dieser Johnson ist Corona positiv getestet und hat Hausarrest. Der Dummkopf hat den Tod verdient. Weiter so. 1
Alladino Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 Please don't take this Video too seriously. There are just a few basic experiments without direct transferability. Still, it's interesting.
nagachilli2 Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 33 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: People here have a problem with the US google translation. German is the number one cultural language. No answer to the fact here yet, KUBA provides medical help in Italy etc. The USA and Little Britain are also good when it comes to health total failure. Only KUBA can help. This Johnson is Corona tested positive and has house arrest. The fool deserves to die. Keep it up. Ok Starlight...In these surreal, unreal, scary and troubled times, with the whole world in total turmoil, stretched to the limit and sadly many people dying...and everyone from every corner of the world, regardless of any differences, whether political, religious or ethical...why do you continue to be an absolute total fucking arhchloch?... Sorry for the bad language guys...I promise not to say 'Starlight' again...😏 Just a tip for you S********...change your username because a lot of newbies here, with that name, will think you're a canny lad...just saying 3 1
AntEater Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 21 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Das ist leider abgelehntige Wahrheit. Das Imperium gehört zurück! Wo kommt das Corona-Virus her? Von einem Markt aus China mit Tieren? Sehr persönliche, Chinesen leben seit 100 zehn Jahren mit Tieren zusammen. Oder aus einer US-Retorte als biologisches Kampfmittel gegen den Feind der Wirtschaft China wird zu werden? Im Moment gibt es noch keine Objekte. Diese werden kahl folgen. Es gibt ABC-Waffen. "Atomare" Waffen wurden durch die USA bereits gegen Menschen verursacht (Japan) - "Chemische" Waffen wurden durch die USA bereits gegen Menschen (Vietnam) - warum nicht auch "Biologische" Waffen ??? 😁 Die USA schrecken vor nichts zurück um gehört TOP zu sein. Heute gehört ich: Der Steuerte US-Präsident Trump Rechte Restriktionen wegen Corona zu gehören damit die Wirtschaft wieder boomt - "man muß alte Menschen opfern" damit die Wirtschaft wieder floriert. Wie breitlich und pervers kann man sein sein ?? Und so ein Dummkopf besteht Amerikaner zu unseren Interessen? Nicht zu verstehen. Die USA haben für die Größe des Landes ein miserables Gesundheitssystem, KUBA ein sehr gutes. Kuba schickt 52 Ärzte nach Italien um dort professionelle Hilfe zu gehört. Wann werden die USA das kleine aber feine Land KUBA Bitte um Hilfe fragen um massenweise Tote im Land zu vermeiden ??? KUBA libre. I get what you're saying and I totally agree about the poor health care in this country (not during this crisis specifically cause it's been pretty good actually, but just in general). Regarding your point about Trump only caring about business you have to understand that America is one big business and without it's employees it collapses. This would put a hell of a lot more people at risk of death than corona ever could. The people need to eat otherwise it will turn into a shit show. Don't be so short-sighted. As for the rest of your conspiracy -____- 1
AntEater Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 5 hours ago, Maturin said: Thanks mate. As someone who's had it, assuming you're not in an at-risk group I would suggest you hope you get it. I had it as far as I can tell (can't get tested because I had very very mild symptoms) and now having recovered at home for a couple weeks I'm not worried about catching it. For me it was milder than any cold I've ever had and it's a huge relief knowing I have the antibodies now. I feel mentally free (still stuck inside though lol). 1
AntEater Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said: Ok Starlight...In these surreal, unreal, scary and troubled times, with the whole world in total turmoil, stretched to the limit and sadly many people dying...and everyone from every corner of the world, regardless of any differences, whether political, religious or ethical...why do you continue to be an absolute total fucking arhchloch?... Sorry for the bad language guys...I promise not to say 'Starlight' again...😏 Just a tip for you S********...change your username because a lot of newbies here, with that name, will think you're a canny lad...just saying Just heard Trump say Boris has it. How are you guys feeling about that or is it a non-issue. Hope he has a mild case. 1
maxfactor Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 1 minute ago, AntEater said: Just heard Trump say Boris has it. How are you guys feeling about that or is it a non-issue. Hope he has a mild case. You just learned you live in a bubble? been out since this morning.
nagachilli2 Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 2 minutes ago, AntEater said: Just heard Trump say Boris has it. How are you guys feeling about that or is it a non-issue. Hope he has a mild case. Just a mild case, and he's working from home...Ironically the Health secretary also has a mild case too... Nobody's safe eh...😏 1
AntEater Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 1 minute ago, maxfactor said: You just learned you live in a bubble? been out since this morning. Yes I do live in a bubble at the moment actually along with a whole bunch of other people self-isolating in my city, thanks for asking. And yes I did just find this out, sorry I'm some hours too late to meet your standards. 1
AntEater Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said: Just a mild case, and he's working from home...Ironically the Health secretary also has a mild case too... Nobody's safe eh...😏 Good to know it's mild and he's working for home. Does that worry you as a citizen? I hope Trump doesn't get it because I don't want to imagine Mike Pence in charge 🙈
nagachilli2 Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 1 minute ago, AntEater said: Good to know it's mild and he's working for home. Does that worry you as a citizen? I hope Trump doesn't get it because I don't want to imagine Mike Pence in charge 🙈 I'm not worried...For me hopefully, it will convey to the public that it's mild in the majority of cases, and it doesn't have to be all doom and long as he doesn't get worse 😏 1
maxfactor Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 6 minutes ago, AntEater said: Yes I do live in a bubble at the moment actually along with a whole bunch of other people self-isolating in my city, thanks for asking. And yes I did just find this out, sorry I'm some hours too late to meet your standards. I've been in quarantine for two weeks. But i don't live in the US whare news about the outside world is difficult to come by.
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