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Website Outage Update


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The recent site outages at Cam Caps is caused from DDoS attacks.

The system is secure and locked tighter than a drum, the only thing the person(s) can do is flood the Servers IP with junk packets which ultimately makes the server go offline. It's just an inconvenience that upsets a lot of posters as they cannot access the website when such attacks occur. Admin has been notified at what has been taking place. 


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hello everyone. so you stncld136, you are too strong as a moderator. the problem is you, not the camarads.com site the one responsible. you blame the camarads.com site, while it is you who is the problem, you ban members on your site, for good reason, we post truths, about the site camarads.com. in the charter of your site, you stipulate no video links, to date all the posts that we were posting, were only writings, and what do you do, you erase them. All this so that other people cannot read them. So you alone and responsible for all this. and for good reason, you were told to erase all proof of truth, which would have a bad image, of the site camarads.com.you yourself said give a moment to guetty, we are independent of the site, of camarads.com.so here you are the boss!!!! so it's you who decides, what is good or bad, or who does not respect the conditions of your site. but you preferred, to be paid by, camarads.com, to delete everything. now you manage, to all the member of post, on another site, where there is no one, you are a smart one. who say no one, say no reading. you really take us, for an imbecile you.

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6 hours ago, Anonymous Sudan said:

hello everyone. so you stncld136, you are too strong as a moderator. the problem is you, not the camarads.com site the one responsible. you blame the camarads.com site, while it is you who is the problem, you ban members on your site, for good reason, we post truths, about the site camarads.com. in the charter of your site, you stipulate no video links, to date all the posts that we were posting, were only writings, and what do you do, you erase them. All this so that other people cannot read them. So you alone and responsible for all this. and for good reason, you were told to erase all proof of truth, which would have a bad image, of the site camarads.com.you yourself said give a moment to guetty, we are independent of the site, of camarads.com.so here you are the boss!!!! so it's you who decides, what is good or bad, or who does not respect the conditions of your site. but you preferred, to be paid by, camarads.com, to delete everything. now you manage, to all the member of post, on another site, where there is no one, you are a smart one. who say no one, say no reading. you really take us, for an imbecile you.

Get a grip you fucking prick. You need put down. 

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