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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #11 February 2020


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very good morning leora and malia
good morning everyone
very good afternoon everyone
very good night everyone
have a great happy day with joy

muito bom dia leora e maila
bom Dia a todos
muito boa tarde a todos
muito boa noite a todos
tenha um ótimo dia feliz com alegria

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5 hours ago, Howard said:

Why get defensive?!  Did I hit a nerve (must have!).  It's OK to fantasize about her (as long as you know she's a fantasy and never will be your reality).

Some of you (and I am not directing this comment to esamders9863) need to get into an emotional relationship (your dog doesn't count). 

"It's OK to fantasize about her (as long as you know she's a fantasy and never will be your reality)". I totally agree with you, except for the bestiality (I'm hoping no sick bastards doing that).

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Catching up on resent posts here I notice that there has been a great deal of bickering and petty disputes and arguments.....A pity in my opinion.

It is IMHO worth considering that this is the Leora & Malia  “ General Chat “ section, and not the Leora & Malia “ Fan Club” section....Which means that any posts whether positive or negative within reason should be given the same consideration...and not set about by a pack of hounds baying for blood because it’s not an opinion shared by everyone....Opinions are what makes a forum work, not everyone voicing the same platitudes of love and devotion to a couple of girls none of us really know...They are a fantasy, and supply us with whatever they see fit to supply.....which is wonderful for some but not so wonderful for others..Different strokes for different folks.

It seems that if a person has an opinion that goes against the grain of some members, then he/ she is automatically classified as a troll and abused .....Live and let live folks....Stop trying to do the moderators jobs for them...If it is classed as wrong by them then they will step in...

Some people like Jugghead are more tolerant and willing to genuinely listen to both sides before forming a rational opinion, but sadly many people are not.....And yes I’ve been guilty of it myself in the past.

Learn to be more tolerant and understanding of people’s differences....It’s what distinguishes adults from children..

Have a nice day folks..

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