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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2020 #5 (February)

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2 hours ago, moritzmax said:

Feiern die Russen auch Karneval - Fasching - Fasnacht oder ähnliches ?
Eventuell Motto-Party in Barcelona-Wohnungen ?

Do the Russians also celebrate carnival - carnival or the like?
Possibly a themed party in Barcelona apartments?

The carnival is more a chatolic thing, so not much of that in Eastern or Northern Europe.

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11 hours ago, Mauri said:

looking at the shoes that Kapitolina brought, I think it's a kind of pornstar or something,

I saw the shoes too, I don't know if they're porn stars, but they're definitely showbiz, I don't know if they're strippers or lap dances.

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