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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2020 #10 (April/May)

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9 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Imagine if he was actually the owner and now he cancels the contract. B4 would finally be finished. 😉🤣

As suggested by Daleys and Mauri, this guy is the one who was present for electrical problems at B2, same tshirt and haircut, whether at B2 or B4
I think he came to B4 these past few days to fix the plumbing issues
I wonder if the girls would not have been too nice from the guest tonight to thank him for solving the problem (s) in the house
I see things like this

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Just now, scoutouyoufe said:

If he is the owner he must certainly receive a good rent I do not think he will give up lol he will come to his senses when he has evacuated the alcohol

If he is the owner then that explains a lot!!

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1 minute ago, scoutouyoufe said:

S'il est le propriétaire il doit certainement recevoir un bon loyer je ne pense pas qu'il va renoncer lol il reprendra ses esprits quand il aura évacué l'alcool

If he is the owner he must certainly receive a good rent I do not think he will give up lol he will come to his senses when he has evacuated the alcohol

This guy doesn't seem very smart. 😂

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1 minute ago, moos54 said:

As suggested by Daleys and Mauri, this guy is the one who was present for electrical problems at B2, even tshirt and haircut, whether at B2 or B4
I think he came to B4 these past few days to fix the plumbing issues
I wonder if the girls would not have been too nice from the guest tonight to thank him for solving the problem (s) in the house
I see things like this

Maybe he works for RLC as a handyman or something, which is why he thinks he has some kind of authority over the place.

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7 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

who threw the first punch, that's all I want to know?

Difficult to say because everything happened on the porch of the kitchen but it is not covered by the cameras of the swimming pool, in view of the reaction of the girls and the fact that Diane was filming the scene with her phone, I think that the first shots were from the drunk guy and I think Lucian was able to knock him down
I vaguely know the result of the various blows, the man drunk with the bloody nose while Rama and Lucian do not seem to have any apparent injury

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4 minutes ago, vanillajohn said:

Maybe he works for RLC as a handyman or something, which is why he thinks he has some kind of authority over the place.

yes I also think about that, we may have a real answer later

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7 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Comme suggéré par Daleys et Mauri, ce gars était celui qui était présent pour des problèmes électriques en B2, même des t-shirts et des coupes de cheveux, que ce soit en B2 ou B4,
je pense qu'il est venu au B4 ces derniers jours pour résoudre les problèmes de plomberie,
je me demande si le les filles n'auraient pas été trop gentilles de l'invité ce soir pour le remercier d'avoir résolu le (s) problème (s) dans la maison
je vois des choses comme ça

Tu as probablement raison cela pourrait expliquer qu'il possède les clefs des appartements c'est une sorte d'agent technique qui travaille au rabais pour réparer là-bas il sera très certainement viré on ne le verra plus lol

You’re probably right that could explain that he owns the keys to the apartments he’s some kind of technical agent working at the discount to fix up there he’ll most certainly be fired we won’t see him lol

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2 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Difficult to say because everything happened on the porch of the kitchen but it is not covered by the cameras of the swimming pool, in view of the reaction of the girls and the fact that Diane was filming the scene with her phone, I think that the first shots were from the drunk guy and I think Lucian was able to knock him down
I vaguely know the result of the various blows, the man drunk with the bloody nose while Rama and Lucian do not seem to have any apparent injury

I was just wondering because you keep saying Lucian did it but you could not see who actually hit the guy...Lucian or Rama.  Thanks for the explanation.

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8 minutes ago, moos54 said:

As suggested by Daleys and Mauri, this guy is the one who was present for electrical problems at B2, same tshirt and haircut, whether at B2 or B4
I think he came to B4 these past few days to fix the plumbing issues
I wonder if the girls would not have been too nice from the guest tonight to thank him for solving the problem (s) in the house
I see things like this

So this is the terrible Plummer that is trying to fixe barca pipes for years and years without sucess.Shame in him,shame on him!!

  • Haha 1
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Just now, scoutouyoufe said:

Tu as probablement raison cela pourrait expliquer qu'il possède les clefs des appartements c'est une sorte d'agent technique qui travaille au rabais pour réparer là-bas il sera très certainement viré on ne le verra plus lol

You’re probably right that could explain that he owns the keys to the apartments he’s some kind of technical agent working at the discount to fix up there he’ll most certainly be fired we won’t see him lol

Au rabais je ne sais pas, mais je sais qu'on aurait jamais dû le voir déjà  à B2 entrain de résoudre les problème électriques :biggrin: 

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