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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and It's Political Ramifications #3

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Ich muss so eine Parodie für Angela Merkel machen.

Kennst Du Angela Merkel überhaupt ?? Impertinentes Geschwätz. Kümmere Dich um den Geisteszustand von Deinem Trumpy  😁 

Trump ist der größte Corona-Looser und Clown weltweit. Die USA ist durch Trump Corona-Looser.

Eine Schande für so ein großes Land. Muß euch KUBA wieder helfen damit die usa nicht im Chaos zu versinken muß ???

Die Corona-Situation wird in den USA jeden Tag dramatischer - nicht nur in Staaten mit "Demokraten" an der Spitze !

In Deutschland wird die Situation durch kluge Politik jeden Tag besser - egal ob mit oder ohne Merkel.

Operetten-Präsident Ratlos. Eine einzige große Katastrophe.




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52 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Do you even know Angela Merkel? Impertinent chatter. Mind the state of mind of your Trumpy  😁 

Trump is the largest corona looser and clown in the world. The US is through Trump Corona-Looser.

A shame for such a big country. Does KUBA have to help you again so that the usa doesn't have to sink into chaos ???

The corona situation in the US is getting more dramatic every day - not only in countries with "Democrats" at the top!

In Germany, smart politics makes the situation better every day - whether with or without Merkel.

Operetta President at a loss. One big disaster.





58 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Und wieder nur "blah blah blah" - kein Wort zu Corona. kein Wort zum Thema - nur Diffamierung. Schlafe gut Baby - lange - lange .....

Kein Mensch wird Dich Querulanten hier im Forum vermissen 😁

Like I said. I love to watch you make a fool of yourself. :tongue:

39 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Wie ich sagte. Ich liebe es zu sehen, wie du dich gehört hast. : Zunge:

Du warst, bist und bleibst eine Lachnummer. Kein Wort zum Thema Corona - aber nur Beleidigungen und flaches Geschwätz.

Gehe endgültig schlafen und melde Dich hier nie wieder. Das Forum dankt Dir ewig.

Vietnam war zu viel für Dich, wir alle fühlen mit Dir. Reagiere Dich anders ab - nicht in dem Du hier im Forum permanent Menschen beleidigst. 😁

Ich schreibe hier stets zur Sache, und Politik ist ein großer Teil zum Thema Corona - und nicht nur dumme Statistik-Zahlen die immer falsch sind

und ohne jede Bedeutung. "An den Taten sollst Du sie erkennen" - und nicht an dummen theoretischen Zahlen, die unwahr sind.

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Leaked Western intel dossier reveals how China deceived the world about coronavirus

A research dossier compiled by the so-called "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance states that China intentionally hid or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus outbreak, resulting in the loss of tens of thousands of lives around the world. The 15-page document from the intelligence agencies of the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, was obtained by Australia's Daily Telegraph newspaper and states that China's secrecy amounted to an “assault on international transparency." The dossier touches on themes that have been discussed in media reports about the outbreak of the virus, including initial denial that the virus could be transmitted between humans, the silencing or "disappearing" of doctors who tried to speak up, the destruction of evidence in laboratories and refusal to provide live samples to intenational scientists working on a vaccine. 

Specifically, the file notes that China began censoring news of the virus on search engines beginning Dec. 31, deleting terms including “SARS variation, “Wuhan Seafood market” and “Wuhan Unknown Pneumonia.”

Three days later, on Jan. 3, China’s National Health Commission, ordered virus samples to be either moved to designated testing facilities or destroyed, while simultaneously enforcing a "no-publication order" related to the disease. Perhaps most damningly, the dossier states that Chinese authorities denied that the virus could be spread between humans until Jan. 20, "despite evidence of human-human transmission from early December." 

The Telegraph also reported that key figures at the Wuhan Institute of Virology previously worked or trained in Australian government labs where they conducted research on pathogens in live bats as part of an ongoing partnership with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

According to the dossier, the team's work at the Wuhan lab involved discovering samples of coronavirus within a cave in Yunnan province and synthesizing a bat-derived coronavirus that could not be cured.


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Wijipedia:Honjo was born in Kyoto in 1942. He completed his M.D. degree in 1966 from the Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, where in 1975 he received his Ph.D. degree in Medical Chemistry under the supervision of Yasutomi Nishizuka and Osamu Hayaishi.[7]

The Japanese professor of physiology or medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo, caused a sensation today in the media by saying that the corona virus is not natural. if it is natural, it will not have affected the whole world like that. Because, depending on the nature, the temperature is different in different countries. if it were natural, it would only have affected countries with the same temperature as China. instead, it spreads to a country like Switzerland, the same way it spreads to desert areas. whereas if it were natural, it would have spread in cold places, but would have died in hot places. I have done 40 years of research on animals and viruses. It is not natural. It is manufactured and the virus is completely artificial. I have been working for 4 years in the Wuhan laboratory in China. I know all the staff of this laboratory well. I called them all after the Corona accident. but, all of their phones have been dead for 3 months. It is now understood that all of these laboratory technicians are dead.

Based on all of my knowledge and research to date, I can say this with 100% confidence that Corona is not natural. It did not come from bats. China made it. if what I say today turns out to be false now or even after I die, the government can withdraw my Nobel Prize. but China is lying and this truth will one day be revealed to all.

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1 hour ago, Thestarider said:

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

Wijipedia:Honjo was born in Kyoto in 1942. He completed his M.D. degree in 1966 from the Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, where in 1975 he received his Ph.D. degree in Medical Chemistry under the supervision of Yasutomi Nishizuka and Osamu Hayaishi.[7]

The Japanese professor of physiology or medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo, caused a sensation today in the media by saying that the corona virus is not natural. if it is natural, it will not have affected the whole world like that. Because, depending on the nature, the temperature is different in different countries. if it were natural, it would only have affected countries with the same temperature as China. instead, it spreads to a country like Switzerland, the same way it spreads to desert areas. whereas if it were natural, it would have spread in cold places, but would have died in hot places. I have done 40 years of research on animals and viruses. It is not natural. It is manufactured and the virus is completely artificial. I have been working for 4 years in the Wuhan laboratory in China. I know all the staff of this laboratory well. I called them all after the Corona accident. but, all of their phones have been dead for 3 months. It is now understood that all of these laboratory technicians are dead.

Based on all of my knowledge and research to date, I can say this with 100% confidence that Corona is not natural. It did not come from bats. China made it. if what I say today turns out to be false now or even after I die, the government can withdraw my Nobel Prize. but China is lying and this truth will one day be revealed to all.

Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo has repudiated this statement and has declared he certainly did not make this statement. He then went on to say that he has seen no evidence to contradict the widely held scientific belief that the virus is not man made and it occured naturally.

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2 hours ago, Thestarider said:


Aufgrund all meiner bisherigen Kenntnisse und Forschungen kann ich dies mit 100% iger Sicherheit sagen, dass Corona nicht natürlich ist. Es kam nicht von Fledermäusen. China hat es geschafft. Wenn sich herausstellt, dass das, was ich heute sage, jetzt oder sogar nach meinem Tod falsch ist, kann die Regierung meinen Nobelpreis zurückziehen. Aber China lügt und diese Wahrheit wird eines Tages allen offenbart werden.

Im Internet gibt es zig-tausende von Berichten und Einzelmeinungen. Die einen sagen so, andere widersprechen heftig. Die WAHRHEIT kennt im Moment

kein Mensch. "Der Starider" und "Thestaiders" suchen akribisch Meldungen die China als Urheber dieser Katastrophe einseitig belasten.

Der japanische Professor ist kein "Kronzeuge für Wahrheit" - es ist seine persönliche Einschätzung, und nicht mehr, mit null Beweis.

Chinesen und Japaner sind aus der blutigen Geschichte heraus traditionell "Todfeinde". Warten wir doch ganz ruhig ab was in Monaten internationale Forschungen

ergeben. Und unterlassen Sie endlich Krümel sammeln und Schuldzuweisungen, die ohne Beweis sind und nur der einseitigen Diffamierung Chinas dienen.

Dazu Kolonnen von Zahlen und Statistiken, die vom Prinzip her alle falsch sind. Die Dunkelziffern von getesteten Infizierten und TATSÄCHLICH Infizierten liegt

nach Einschätzung deutscher Virologen-Spezialisten beim Faktor 10 !! Alle Zahlen sind also Makulatur.

Anstatt hier ungeprüfte Internet-Zahlen einzustellen, machen Sie besser konkrete Vorschläge wie Sie dem unvorbereitet in Not geratenem Land der USA 

helfen wollen. Hetze hilft nicht weiter.

Im übrigen habe ich gelesen, das hier im Forum "Internet-Links" unerwünscht sind und die eigene persönliche Meinung jedes Teilnehmers mit eigenen

Worten hier im Forum wichtig sind. Was ist Ihre persönliche Meinung ???


2 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhgggggggg !!!!! Wie geht es Foamy?


Das ist wieder ein sehr "wertvoller" Beitrag zum Thema "Corona". Was wollten Sie zum Thema damit sagen ?? Ich verstehe Ihre Sprache nicht. 😁

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