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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2020 #11 (May)

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3 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Now we have Amelie & Assol, two DO-NOTHING girls who unless you are blind, could tell that they would not do anything for the cameras

Maybe last night they did but the cameras were turned off for almost 24 hours!!  They sound like the type that could be a freak without prying eyes....just saying.  I don't believe the length of the UM was for the bullshit little fight...if you want to call it that, that happened last night.  I'm sorry to you all but I just don't believe it!!

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8 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

In my opinion, there was no reason to have this house UM for almost 24 hours over some bullshit little fight and it don't sound like much of a fight at that.  The police would have come and taken statements and then the rest would have been handled in a court of law if the need arose.  I think the girl wanted to keep the house UM away from prying eyes for whatever they were doing!!  Bottom line...the viewers got fucked again by yet another convenient UM!!

LMAO!!! We all know you watched it, so yeah, it was just a pat on the cheek. Today they've all had an orgy!!

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4 minutes ago, ed2 said:

You jump on everyone that criticise something. Today you defended the fact that RLC deleted this morning from Replay. We all know why it was and remained UM the whole day, but some of us had really wanted to see the girls' reactions and emotions. Do you understand that? By claiming you are only speaking common sense, you also reduce everyone else's view into something less rational. No, you should not accept the name-calling against you! But try yourself to respect that there are different views.

Can you tell me where I defend rlc in my words? or tell me where would be the misappropriation? I just said that RLC had deleted the replay as if the apartment never went back online this morning
Is it really so ambiguous? I just said that

Is it possible that you and others by really wanting to have B4 online because it could have been a moment of real life, you understand things differently than they are compared to other people who do not share entirely your point of view?

in the end, wouldn't this also be an impartial point that you too want to impose on others?

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9 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Puoi dirmi dove difendo rlc nelle mie parole? o dimmi dove sarebbe l'appropriazione indebita? Ho appena detto che RLC aveva cancellato il replay come se l'appartamento non fosse mai tornato online stamattina.
È davvero così ambiguo? L'ho appena detto

È possibile che tu e gli altri desideriate davvero avere B4 online perché potrebbe essere stato un momento della vita reale, capite le cose in modo diverso rispetto ad altre persone che non condividono interamente il vostro punto di vista?

alla fine, non sarebbe anche questo un punto imparziale che anche tu vorresti imporre agli altri?

il problema non è soltanto di quello che è successo ieri sera, ma in generale, ogni membro pagante si lamenterà per un qualcosa che non gli piace o che non gli sta bene, ma tu, in ogni caso trovi sempre il modo di difendere o trovare una giustificazione a tutto,

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3 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Personally, I am not too concerned with this but this is becoming RLC's habit of removing content that the members have paid for which is somewhat wrong (I know RLC owns the content so u can stop arguing from this angle).

Paid for being the optimum word here.  Why pay for replay if they remove the content?  Did anybody get stabbed or shot?  Not from what I read, and what took place was off camera from the first place.  Did they take offline for almost 24 hours because they didn't want the viewers to see the girls being scared?.......that's bullshit!  Apparently it came back on this morning for a short period of time and now there is two girls that have hurt feet or ankles....nobody got to see what all they did when they new the viewers couldn't watch until almost 24 hours later.  Shame on you RLC, you are a ripoff, dishonest, and downright assholes for how you treat the people that provides you with such a lazy, nonexistent lifestyle!!!

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3 minutes ago, Mauri said:

il problema non soltanto di quello che è successo ieri sera, ma in generale, ogni membro pagante si lamenterà per un qualcosa che non gli piace o che non gli sta bene, ma tu in ogni caso trovi sempre il modo di difendere o trovare una giustificazione a tutto,

in fact, the only thing I try to do is to be as rational as possible according to the various situations
Maybe I like being a little too logical

and I compare what we can see with what I experienced in real life
The project being based on the concept of seeing things from real life, it seems very logical to me to do it like this

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3 hours ago, Alladino said:


It is likely that they have waited so long to make everything look happy. RLC is no longer about real life but only about producing a show. 

It's not convenient for the viewers to see the girls to crying. RLC has completely forgotten its roots. This whole thing is just sad. 

I only gave you a 'Sad' emoji to give you a full set!...😏

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Just now, moos54 said:

in effetti, l'unica cosa che cerco di fare è di essere il più razionale possibile in base alle varie situazioni
Forse mi piace essere un po 'troppo logico

e confronto ciò che possiamo vedere con ciò che ho vissuto nella vita reale
Il progetto, basato sul concetto di vedere le cose dalla vita reale, mi sembra molto logico farlo in questo modo

alcune cose che vedi in RLC, nella vita reale non succedono, ma tu sei pronto a difendere ogni cosa che succede, e a dare una spiegazione che ovviamente non è realista. trovi sempre il lato positivo su tutto, anche quando non dovresti, se sei un membro pagante, dovrebbero darti fastidio anche a te alcune cose che accadono in RLC, proprio come tutti

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18 minutes ago, ed2 said:

LMAO!!! We all know you watched it, so yeah, it was just a pat on the cheek. Today they've all had an orgy!!

LMAO I haven't watched one minute of RLC in over 3 years Ed...not one minute and I'm sorry you have a hard time believing me about this but it's the truth.  The fact is they could have had an orgy but you will never get to see it...poor little Edward!!

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14 minutes ago, Mauri said:

il problema non è soltanto di quello che è successo ieri sera, ma in generale, ogni membro pagante si lamenterà per un qualcosa che non gli piace o che non gli sta bene, ma tu, in ogni caso trovi sempre il modo di difendere o trovare una giustificazione a tutto,

It's a two-way game. Let's not pretend that there isn't some folks who are just waiting for something to happen to jump on the trigger and shit on RLC and get into an argument with anyone who's doesn't agree with them.

Even I think that RLC has gone to shit in general. But for whatever reason you almost can't say anything positive or negative without getting into an argument these days...

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3 minutes ago, vanillajohn said:

È un gioco a doppio senso. Non facciamo finta che non ci siano persone che stanno solo aspettando che succeda qualcosa che salta sul grilletto e cagano su RLC e litighino con chiunque non sia d'accordo con loro.

Anche io penso che RLC sia andato a farsi fottere in generale. Ma per qualsiasi motivo non puoi quasi dire nulla di positivo o negativo senza entrare in una discussione in questi giorni ...

giusto, ma lui trova sempre il modo di giustificare, anche quando è evidente che è una stronzata

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